
Incremental backup client for Amazon Glacier

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


So, you want to back up a radio station...



  • Python < 2.7+ (but not Python 3 - yet)
  • Amazon AWS command-line interface
  • MongoDB
  • python-botocore
  • p7zip-full (must be the 'full' version!)

Installing and Configuring Prerequisites

  • Use the following command to install most of the dependencies from apt: sudo apt-get install python-all python-pip python-botocore p7zip-full
  • Install MongoDB for your system as described in the MongoDB docs.
  • Once that's completed, install the AWS command-line tool: pip install awscli
  • The AWS CLI needs to be configured before it can be used. Run: aws --configure and supply your AWS credentials.
  • MongoDB needs a data directory to run - by default it's /data/db. Create this directory, and make sure that the current user is a member of the mongodb group, and that the group has full permissions to that directory: mkdir -p /data/db; usermod -a -G mongodb <username>; chgrp -R mongodb /data/db

Grabbing the Source

It's all Python, so no compilation required! Open a terminal, cd into your favourite directory and run:

git clone https://github.com/calmcl1/cupo-backup.git; cd cupo-backup

That's it!


Creating a New Vault

To start off, create a new vault in Glacier (or, if a vault that you want to use already exists in AWS, register it in the local database):

cupo.py --account-id AWS_ACCOUNT_ID --database DATABASE_NAME new-vault NEW_VAULT_NAME


  • AWS_ACCOUNT_ID is, unsurprisingly, the account ID associated with your AWS account - a numerical value.
  • DATABASE_NAME is the name of the MongoDB that we're using to store the local Glacier archive tracking data in. It will be created if it does not already exist.
  • NEW_VAULT_NAME is the name of the Glacier vault that we're storing the the backup archives in. It will be created in Glacier if it does not yet exist.

Backing Up a Directory

Now, it's as simple as specifying a directory to back up and a vault!

cupo.py --account-id AWS_ACCOUNT_ID --database DATABASE_NAME backup TOP_DIR VAULT_NAME


  • TOP_DIR is the root directory to back up.
  • VAULT_NAME is the Glacier vault to back up to. It will not created if it doesn't exist - use cupo.py new-vault first.

A full debug log will created that you can tail -f if you wish, or submit in case of errors. The default log location is ~/.CupoLog, but this can be changed with the --logging-dir switch.

For more info, use cupo.py [backup | new-vault] -h.