
Various Haskell implementations of Dijkstra's single source shortest path algorithm.

Primary LanguageHaskell

##Dijsktra's SSSP Algorithm

Graphs are being read from an adjacency list into a cyclic linked list of nodes. The dijkstra function serves as a wrapper around linking the data structure and the actual graph traversal. The traverse function poses the only significant difference between the versions:

  • fold folds the list of nodes with the candidate and visited set as the aggegator.

  • ioref uses mutable IORefs for the candidate and visited set.

  • rec uses a non-monadic, recursive function to traverse the graph.

  • state traverses the graph recursively using the State Monad.


  • Visualize internal graph represantation using ghc-vis
  • Profiling/Optimization of the dijkstra & traverse functions
  • Benchmarking using criterion