
Repository for the New York school donations dashboard

Primary LanguageJavaScript

New York school donations


What is the app for?

This is a web app to showcase a dashboard for school donations across New York state. The dashboard is owned by Henry Curtis, who is aspiring to be governer of New York State. The dashboard is to assist in the governer's narrative on how to help funding for New York State schools.

What does it do?

The web app will provide a story for the public. It will showcase data in an intereactive dashboard, which will assist in letting the public know about current funding in the New York state area.

How does it work?

Users will be will be directed to the homepage, which will inform them what this dashboard is being used for. They will then be directed to an interactive dashboard. This will provide various charts informing the user on the current school donations, and visualisation of data will help the user understand clearer the positiong of funding within in the state. The user can then move onto the mission page, which performs analysis on the graphs and explanations of what should be done about the findings. There is a final page which contains contact information.


Existing features

  • User based

    • Interactive Graphs
  • Display features

    • Home page
    • Dashboard page containting interactive graphs
    • Analysis of Graphs and plans
    • Contact page
    • Interactive graphs:
      • Selectors for Donation County and Donation District
      • Number displays to show total number of donations and amount in donations in USD
      • Number of donations over 5 years in USD (Line Graph)
      • Resource allocation by metro type (Row Graph)
      • Resource allocation by Primary Subject (Row Graph)
      • Allocation by Poverty (Pie)
      • Year Selector (Pie)

Tech Used

Testing Done


The number of records have been limited to 20000 due to performance limitations of the free Heroku account. Data source is up to date. Full data would be deployed in hosting.


Getting the code up and running

  1. Firstly you will need to clone this repository by running the git clone <project's Github URL> command
  2. After you've done that you'll need to make sure that you have tools from the requirements.txt file. To do this you'll need to:
  3. cd to the directory with the requirments.txt file is located.
  4. Then you'll need to activate your local environment.
  5. Then you'll need to run: ''' pip install -r requirements.txt '''
  6. Once requirements.txt is installed run the ny_school_dash.py file in your python editor.
  7. The project will now run on localhost
  8. Make changes to the code and if you think it belongs in here then just submit a pull request


Thanks given to the Code Institute for guidance and teaching to assist in making this app. Thanks also to dc-js GitHub for inspirations for interactive graphs and references.