Ethereum Cheat Sheet

geth console

  • admin.peers - detailed list of connected peers
  • debug. ...
  • db. ...
  • eth.accounts - list of local accounts
  • eth.blocknumber - the last localy known blocknumber
  • eth.getTransaction(txid) - returns txid's transaction details
  • eth.getTransactionReceipt(txid) - returns txid's transaction receipt details
  • eth.sendTransaction({from: aId, to:bId, value: amount}) - send Wei
  • ...
  • miner. ...
  • net.peerCount - the number of connected peers
  • ...
  • personal.newAccount() - function to create new account
  • ssh. ...
  • txpool. ...
  • web3.toWei(0.01, "ether") - converts 0.01 Ether to Wei
  • ...
