
Package for Meteor.js cleanup untrust/unknown tags and can helps you secure your application against XSS attacks

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Universe HTML Purifier

Universe HTML Purifier provides a method to cleanup dirty html and it can help you in protection against cross site scripting (XSS) attacks. It will take a string of dirty and badly formatted html, and return a pretty printed valid HTML string. We can configure behavior of purifying, such as: changes available attributes, additional allowed tags, formatting and transforming. The script can work on both sides (client/server). This package is suggested to use with content editable, rich editor or everywhere where the html must be taken from untrusted sources.

The purifying is based on the HTML5 specification, and implements a subset of the algorithm described there. Only a limited set of the permitted HTML5 elements and attributes are permitted, and all other tags/attributes will simply be gone in the resulting HTML.

Additionally package provides html parser.


$ meteor add vazco:universe-html-purifier



UniHTML.purify('<p><b>Some</b><script> alert(); </script> Text</p>');


    <b>Some</b> alert();  Text

Customize purifying

Additionally you can pass settings as a second parameter of method UniHTML.purify:

  • noFormatting - deactivation of pretty formatting
  • preferStrong_Em - transform tags: <b> to <strong>, <i> to <em>
  • preferB_I - transform tags: <strong> to <b>, <em> to <i>
  • noHeaders - transform heading tags to <p><strong> (if preferB_I === true then will be <b> instead <strong>)
  • withoutTags - An array of skipped tags, (which were before added, including defaults). Warning: Parameter 'withoutTags' works only for global tags. You cannot skipped local table tags like example: <tr>, <caption>, <td>
  • noTextManhandle - skipping text processing like clearing whitespace and no formatting
  • encodeHtmlEntities - converting special characters (like < > & ") into their escaped/encoded values (like &lt;)
  • catchErrors - ignoring errors (like not closed tags)


UniHTML.purify('<p><b>Some</b> Text</p><img src="pic.jpg">', {withoutTags: ['b', 'img'], noFormatting: true});


"<p>Some Text</p>"

Default allowed elements

  • b
  • i
  • strong
  • em
  • blockquote
  • ol
  • ul
  • li
  • h1-h7
  • p
  • span
  • pre
  • a
  • u
  • img
  • br
  • table
    • caption
    • col
    • colgroup
    • tbody
    • td
    • tfoot
    • th
    • thead
    • tr

All not allowed elements will be stripped from the resulting HTML, although the inner text will be left intact. You can add additional tags using method UniHTML.addNewAllowedTag(tagName, isSelfClosing), is very important to pass true as second argument if tag is self-closing.

You can also skipped default allowed tags for current call purify, but only global tags (top level). It mean that you cannot skipped <td> or <tr> for <table>

As a default attribute href of tag 'a' has a restrictions for allowed urls

  • supported protocols: http, https, sftp, ftp, ftps, mailto
  • link to an element with a specified id within the page (like href="#top")
  • A relative URL from site root (like href="/default") but without chars: ":", "\", ";", "(", ")"

Default allowed attributes

  • all_elements: ['class', 'style', 'id']
  • a: ['href', 'target', 'title', 'name', 'rel', 'rev', 'type']
  • blockquote: ['cite']
  • img: ['src', 'alt', 'title', 'longdesc']
  • td: ['colspan']
  • th: ['colspan']
  • tr: ['rowspan']
  • table: ['border']

You can change allowed attributes for all or one allowed tag, by

UniHTML.setNewAllowedAttributes(attributesArray, tag);

default value of tag parameter is 'all_elements'


Package provides simple html parser. To use it, you can just call method:

UniHTML.parse(html_string, {
           // attributesOnTag is an Object like {name, value, escaped}
      start: function(tagName, attributesOnTag, isSelfClosing), // open tag
      end: function(tagName), // close
      chars: function(text), // text between open and closing tag
      comment: function(text) // text from comment

Parse html5 string (including custom tags) and calls callback in the same order as tags in html string are present. ( from root to leaf, and so on for each node)


Author: Krzysztof Różalski (Cristo Rabani) Released under Apache Software License 2.0

Includes John Resig’s and Erik Arvidsson’s HTML Parser, which is modificated to support html5 and It used as a tokenizer. Released under triple licensed using Apache Software License 2.0, Mozilla Public License or GNU Public License http://erik.eae.net/simplehtmlparser/simplehtmlparser.js

Written based on the wonderful:

and partly:

  • node-xhtml-purifier, which is copyright © 2014 Charlie Stigler with Zaption and released under the MIT license.

Additional users external materials

This package is part of Universe, a framework based on Meteor platform maintained by Vazco.

It works as standalone Meteor package, but you can get much more features when using the whole system.