
A Dataset package for Vancouver Property Tax Assessment

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R build status

The goal of taxyvr is to provide an easy way to access the Vancouver housing assessment data. This is semi-tidied data obtained from the City of Vancouver’s Open Data Portal.


You can install the development version from GitHub with:



You may also access this information through our vignette. First use this command for installation:

devtools::install_github("UBC-MDS/taxyvr", build_vignettes = TRUE)

And to read the vignette use:


This data was acquired courtesy of The city of Vancouver’s Open Data Portal.

This Package contains (currently) 7 main dataframes all with 29 columns :

  • tax_2020: This dataset is currently still being updated by the city as it’s still the current year. It currently has 213709 rows for properties in 2020.
  • tax_2019: This contains data regarding the properties in vancouver for the year 2019. The values in this dataset are static and it has 213182 rows.
  • tax_2018: This contains data regarding the properties in vancouver for the year 2018. The values in this dataset are also static and it has 209649 rows.
  • tax_2017: This contains data regarding the properties in vancouver for the year 2017. The values in this dataset are also static and it has 206480 rows.
  • tax_2016: This contains data regarding the properties in vancouver for the year 2016. The values in this dataset are also static and it has 203658 rows.
  • tax_2015: This contains data regarding the properties in vancouver for the year 2015. The values in this dataset are also static and it has 203494 rows.
  • tax_2014: This contains data regarding the properties in vancouver for the year 2014. The values in this dataset are also static and it has 200925 rows.

The 29 variables included in the dataset are the following, (Vancouver Open Data Portal documentation page):

Variable Meaning Type Sample
pid Property identifier chr 014-193-205
legal_type Values are ‘STRATA’, indicating property is part of a Strata Plan, ‘LAND’ indicating property has a non-strata plan number, or ‘OTHER’ for properties with no plan number chr STRATA
folio A 12-digit identifier for purposes of assessment dbl 151843410011
land_coordinate First 8 digits of BC Assessment’s folio number dbl 15184341
zone_name Name of zoning district chr M-2
zone_category Name of zoning category chr Industrial
block Component of legal description chr 155
plan Component of legal description chr VAS2438
district_lot Component of legal description chr 319
lot Component of legal description chr 11
from_civic_number This is the house number, it may be the first number in a range chr 3594
to_civic_number Blank unless it is the last house number in a range chr 9141
street_name The name of the street where the property is located chr SHAUGHNESSY ST
property_postal_code A series of letters and/or digits that is attached to a property address chr V6P 6R9
narrative_legal_line3 Describes a property for registration purposes chr SHARE IN COM PROP THEREIN
narrative_legal_line2 Describes a property for registration purposes chr 319 NEW WESTMINSTER UNDIV 74/1341
narrative_legal_line1 Describes a property for registration purposes chr DIV 376/127 LOT 220 PLAN LMS1863
narrative_legal_line4 Describes a property for registration purposes chr WESTMINSTER LAND DIST
narrative_legal_line5 Describes a property for registration purposes chr BLOCK 17, PLAN VAP5928 /nobr>
current_land_value The market value of the fee simple interest in land and improvements dbl 397000
current_improvement_value The market value of the fee simple interest in land and improvements dbl 107000
tax_assessment_year Year in effect for Current_Land_Value, Current_Improvement_Value and Tax_Levy dbl 2018
previous_improvement_value Year in effect for Current_Land_Value, Current_Improvement_Value and Tax_Levy dbl 112000
previous_land_value This value is for the previous assessment year dbl 262000
year_built Year that the property was built dbl 1989
big_improvement_year Year of major improvement to the property dbl 1989
tax_levy This is the total taxes printed on the most recent tax notice. It includes the City’s general levy, levies for all taxing authorities, utilities, local improvements and miscellaneous charges. dbl 5361.97
tax_levy This is the total taxes printed on the most recent tax notice. It includes the City’s general levy, levies for all taxing authorities, utilities, local improvements and miscellaneous charges. dbl 5361.97
neighbourhood_code This is a 3-digit number assigned by BCA which identifies the neighbourhood for the folio chr 018
report_year The report year dbl 2018


This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:


tax_2018 %>% filter(legal_type == "LAND") %>% 
#> # A tibble: 90,044 x 32
#>    pid   legal_type   folio land_coordinate zone_name zone_category block plan 
#>    <chr> <chr>        <dbl>           <dbl> <chr>     <chr>         <chr> <chr>
#>  1 003-… LAND       7.50e11        75016492 CD-1 (1)  Comprehensiv… 892   VAP2…
#>  2 019-… LAND       1.76e11        17579092 RS-1      One Family D… 1165  LMP2…
#>  3 023-… LAND       8.12e11        81227904 RS-1      One Family D… <NA>  LMP2…
#>  4 007-… LAND       1.21e11        12060807 DD        Comprehensiv… 9     VAP1…
#>  5 026-… LAND       6.38e11        63817555 M-2       Industrial    <NA>  BCP2…
#>  6 016-… LAND       2.76e10         2762196 RS-1      One Family D… <NA>  VAP2…
#>  7 008-… LAND       5.90e11        59028009 CD-1 (3B) Comprehensiv… <NA>  VAP1…
#>  8 009-… LAND       7.17e11        71715004 CD-1 (12… Comprehensiv… 1009  VAP1…
#>  9 006-… LAND       6.11e11        61110709 RS-1      One Family D… <NA>  VAP2…
#> 10 007-… LAND       7.39e11        73914897 CD-1 (65) Comprehensiv… 903   13962
#> # … with 90,034 more rows, and 24 more variables: district_lot <chr>,
#> #   lot <chr>, from_civic_number <chr>, to_civic_number <dbl>,
#> #   street_name <chr>, property_postal_code <chr>, narrative_legal_line3 <chr>,
#> #   narrative_legal_line2 <chr>, narrative_legal_line1 <chr>,
#> #   narrative_legal_line4 <chr>, narrative_legal_line5 <chr>,
#> #   current_land_value <dbl>, current_improvement_value <dbl>,
#> #   tax_assessment_year <dbl>, previous_improvement_value <dbl>,
#> #   previous_land_value <dbl>, year_built <dbl>, big_improvement_year <dbl>,
#> #   tax_levy <dbl>, neighbourhood_code <chr>, report_year <dbl>,
#> #   geo_local_area <chr>, longitude <dbl>, latitude <dbl>

or find out the summary statistics of the data:

#>      pid             legal_type            folio           land_coordinate   
#>  Length:209649      Length:209649      Min.   :1.963e+10   Min.   : 1963206  
#>  Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.:2.107e+11   1st Qu.:21072395  
#>  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median :6.122e+11   Median :61223404  
#>                                        Mean   :4.980e+11   Mean   :49797179  
#>                                        3rd Qu.:6.883e+11   3rd Qu.:68829732  
#>                                        Max.   :8.453e+11   Max.   :84531342  
#>   zone_name         zone_category         block               plan          
#>  Length:209649      Length:209649      Length:209649      Length:209649     
#>  Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
#>  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
#>  district_lot           lot            from_civic_number  to_civic_number
#>  Length:209649      Length:209649      Length:209649      Min.   :   1   
#>  Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.: 950   
#>  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median :1783   
#>                                                           Mean   :2372   
#>                                                           3rd Qu.:3318   
#>                                                           Max.   :9295   
#>                                                           NA's   :611    
#>  street_name        property_postal_code narrative_legal_line3
#>  Length:209649      Length:209649        Length:209649        
#>  Class :character   Class :character     Class :character     
#>  Mode  :character   Mode  :character     Mode  :character     
#>  narrative_legal_line2 narrative_legal_line1 narrative_legal_line4
#>  Length:209649         Length:209649         Length:209649        
#>  Class :character      Class :character      Class :character     
#>  Mode  :character      Mode  :character      Mode  :character     
#>  narrative_legal_line5 current_land_value  current_improvement_value
#>  Length:209649         Min.   :0.000e+00   Min.   :        0        
#>  Class :character      1st Qu.:4.630e+05   1st Qu.:    96200        
#>  Mode  :character      Median :1.039e+06   Median :   184000        
#>                        Mean   :1.833e+06   Mean   :   395127        
#>                        3rd Qu.:1.686e+06   3rd Qu.:   296000        
#>                        Max.   :3.517e+09   Max.   :611798000        
#>                        NA's   :3287        NA's   :3287             
#>  tax_assessment_year previous_improvement_value previous_land_value
#>  Min.   :2018        Min.   :        0          Min.   :0.000e+00  
#>  1st Qu.:2018        1st Qu.:    95200          1st Qu.:3.840e+05  
#>  Median :2018        Median :   181000          Median :9.450e+05  
#>  Mean   :2018        Mean   :   387512          Mean   :1.688e+06  
#>  3rd Qu.:2018        3rd Qu.:   289000          3rd Qu.:1.680e+06  
#>  Max.   :2018        Max.   :626232000          Max.   :3.319e+09  
#>  NA's   :3287        NA's   :7099               NA's   :7099       
#>    year_built   big_improvement_year    tax_levy       neighbourhood_code
#>  Min.   :1800   Min.   : 200         Min.   :      0   Length:209649     
#>  1st Qu.:1971   1st Qu.:1978         1st Qu.:   1580   Class :character  
#>  Median :1993   Median :1994         Median :   3678   Mode  :character  
#>  Mean   :1982   Mean   :1990         Mean   :   8006                     
#>  3rd Qu.:2005   3rd Qu.:2005         3rd Qu.:   6065                     
#>  Max.   :2018   Max.   :2018         Max.   :9695819                     
#>  NA's   :5203   NA's   :5197         NA's   :3123                        
#>   report_year   geo_local_area       longitude         latitude    
#>  Min.   :2018   Length:209649      Min.   :-123.2   Min.   :49.20  
#>  1st Qu.:2018   Class :character   1st Qu.:-123.1   1st Qu.:49.24  
#>  Median :2018   Mode  :character   Median :-123.1   Median :49.26  
#>  Mean   :2018                      Mean   :-123.1   Mean   :49.26  
#>  3rd Qu.:2018                      3rd Qu.:-123.1   3rd Qu.:49.28  
#>  Max.   :2018                      Max.   :-123.0   Max.   :49.30  


taxyvr’s data is released under the Open Government Licence - Vancouver license. See their terms of use.


Run this command to get info on how to cite this package.

#> To cite package 'taxyvr' in publications use:
#>   Hayley Boyce and Jordan Bourak (2020). taxyvr: Data from The city of
#>   Vancouver's Open Data Portal on Vancouver property tax assessment. R
#>   package version https://github.com/UBC-MDS/taxyvr
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#>   @Manual{,
#>     title = {taxyvr: Data from The city of Vancouver's Open Data Portal on Vancouver
#> property tax assessment},
#>     author = {Hayley Boyce and Jordan Bourak},
#>     year = {2020},
#>     note = {R package version},
#>     url = {https://github.com/UBC-MDS/taxyvr},
#>   }

On the topic of citations, we have one to cite:

This project was made using R package ggmap:

D. Kahle and H. Wickham. ggmap: Spatial Visualization with ggplot2. The R Journal, 5(1), 144-161. URL http://journal.r-project.org/archive/2013-1/kahle-wickham.pdf