Hypervolt Malinator

This is my solution to the Hypervolt tech task Mailinator Clone

Tech Stack

I choosed to use ZIO 2.0 as the main framework to implement this task.

  • ZIO 2.0
  • ZIO-QUILL (with H2 in memory DB)

The server is running fully concurrent any race conditions are handled by the transactional nature of H2 in-memory DB. Also a message garbage collector is running concurrently and deletes messages which are older than the retention time.

Running test

sbt test

Running the server

sbt run

Calling endpoints

I am using HTTPIE here in the examples but of course feel free to use curl I assume the server is started up and ready to receive requests.

Health Check

http GET localhost:8080/health

Create random Mailbox

http POST localhost:8080/mailboxes

Create named Mailbox

echo -n '"foobar"' | http POST localhost:8080/mailboxes

Query Mailboxes

http GET localhost:8080/mailboxes


http DELETE localhost:8080/mailboxes/foobar

Create Message

http POST localhost:8080/mailboxes/foobar/messages sender="FooSender" subject="WTF" message="A very long story"

Query all Messages for a mailbox

http GET localhost:8080/mailboxes/foobar/messages

Query a Messages by Id

http GET localhost:8080/mailboxes/foobar/messages/50a055ac-f81b-48ef-b69c-ddb7365020bf

Delete a Message by Id

http DELETE localhost:8080/mailboxes/foobar/messages/08e5a936-6fe7-419b-a35d-594b4be2bd6a

Things to improve

  • Logging
  • Configuration loading implemented as a ZIO Service ( application.conf )
  • Implement proper typed error handling
  • Implement Pagination
  • Implement a complete test suite ( tests are missing for MessageRepo, MailinatorApp and GarbageCollector)
  • Implement Benchmarks
  • Proper API documentation using OpenAPI ( formally knows as Swagger)
  • Lots of other things :P


As I am not so experienced in using Quill, although I like the idea of compile time generated queries, I should have used Doobie or maybe ZIO-SQL ;(


I might have discovered a Quill bug and they asked me to open a ticket for that. I will do that in the next couple of days to support the opensource community with my feedback.