
A lightweight LL parser framework

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A parser generator.

The workflow: Markdown ===(Python)==> C++11.


Generate a parser using the driver program

  1. Run python myparser.py c++ <filename>.md.

Generate a parser by hand (using a Python script)

  1. Import myparser and myparser_cpp in python.
  2. Create a parser object: parser = myparser.MyParser().
  3. Load a syntax file: parser.add_file(filename).
  4. Generate the parser: myparser_cpp.cplusplus_gen_auto(parser, './', 'SYNTAX_HPP').
  5. Save the generated code as a C++ header file.

Use the generated parser

  1. Import the generated code and use the namespace myparser.
  2. Parse a file: auto ast = Parser<>::parseFile(filename), or a string: Parser<>::parse(text).
  3. Visit the AST via RTTI, or use a visitor myparser::Pass<>: ast->runPass(&pass).
  4. Compile your code with -std=c++11.

Syntax Files

MyParser accepts a special Markdown ("MyParser Markdown") file.

The README.md (this file) is not only a document but also an example of a syntax file.

You could run python self_syntax.py or python myparser.py c++ README.md -o self_syntax.hpp. That loads README.md and generates self_syntax.hpp.

Then, just compile self_bootstrap.cpp. A syntax highlighter that accepts MyParser Markdown files as its input is prepared now. You could see README.md printed with syntax highlights.

Definition of MyParser Markdown


<> <blocks> <>


<*comment line>






<list head> <list body> <>
<builtin head> <list body> <>
<regex head> <regex line> <>

list head:

<id>:<line break>

builtin head:

**<id>**:<line break>

regex head:

*<id>*:<line break>

list body:

<list line> <list body>
<list line>

list line:

<indent><list items><line break>

regex line:

<indent><anything><line break>

comment line:

<indent>//<anything><line break>
<other markdown><line break>
<line break>

list items:

<*list item>

list item:

\ <>
<empty item>
<keyword item>
<ref item>
<error item>

empty item:


keyword item:

([^ \r\n\\<]|\\.)+

ref item:


error item:



\w([\w ]*\w)?


\**:|\*+| +|\/\/|<[\*\+\?\!]?|>

other markdown:

( ? ? ?)[^ \r\n].*[^:\r\n]|.|


(    )

line break:





gaocegege/CompilerLab (MyLang Project)