
TickerTick API: stock news API

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Welcome to the TickerTick API.

The TickerTick API provides the latest stock news stories through a powerful query language. The API covers all companies listed in US stock markets (around 10,000 tickers) and hundreds of top startups. The source websites of the news stories include around ten thousand websites.

Take a look at the following apps built on top of TickerTick API.

Terms of Use

  • The API is free of commercial/non-commercial use.
  • All endpoints have a rate limit of 10 requests per minute from the same IP address. The service enforces this. More precisely, an IP will be blocked for one minute if more than 10 requests are sent within any 1 minute time window.
  • You are welcome to file an issue if you see any problem, like irrelevant stories.

⚠️ An IP address has a rate limit of 10 requests per minute. DM me on Twitter if you need a higher request rate.


Use this URL to get the 200 latest news stories for ticker aapl (Apple Inc.).


You can replace aapl (the ticker) and 200 (the number of news stories to fetch).

Quickstart with PyTickerTick

PyTickerTick: an API wrapper for the TickerTick API in Python

pip install pytickertick
import tickertick as tt
import tickertick.query as query

feed = tt.get_feed(
    query = query.And(
) # SEC filings from Apple Inc.

Historical data

If you are looking for historical data, e.g., all stock news stories from the past two years, check out the releases pages.


This endpoint returns a feed of the latest news stories relevant to the query in reverse chronological order.

Example request URL

News stories about Apple Inc. (its ticker is aapl) - https://api.tickertick.com/feed?q=tt:aapl

Rendered stock news feed for Apple Inc.


Parameter Description Options Example value
q The query string Any query string in a query language
(explained below)
(or tt:aapl tt:amzn)
n How many news stories to fetch Any number between 1 and 1000 42
last A story id for pagination.
Fetch news stories older than the story with this id.
A 64-bit integer. Each returned news story has an id. 6844326865886118959

The query language

The query language is a context-free language following the grammar below

query --> term | (and query_list) | (or query_list) | (diff query query)

query_list --> query query_list | term

term --> tt:any_stock_ticker | TT:any_stock_ticker | s:any_website_domain_name | E:any_entity | T:story_type 

Operator semantics

Operator Semantics
(and query_list) Request news stories matching all queries in query_list
(or query_list) Request news stories matching any query in query_list
(diff query1 query2) Request news stories matching query1 but not query2

Term semantics

Term Semantics Examples
z:stock_ticker Request news stories about stock_ticker. z:aapl
tt:stock_ticker Request more broad news stories about stock_ticker (more news stories than z:stock_ticker) tt:aapl
s:domain_name Request news stories from websites on domain domain_name
(domain_name shouldn't contain '.' or '/')
E:any_entity Request news stories with titles semantically matching any_entity.
(replace any whitespace in any_entity by _ )
(any_entity should be in lower case)
T:story_type Request news stories of a specific type. See the list of all story types. T:curated

Story Types

Term Story type Example query
T:curated News stories from a curated list of top financial/technology news sources T:curated
T:earning Company earnings news (e.g. presentations, transcripts) T:earning
T:market Stock market news T:market
T:sec SEC filings T:sec
T:sec_fin Quarterly/annual financial reports T:sec_fin
T:trade Trading news T:trade
T:ugc News stories from a curated list of user-generated content platforms, e.g. Reddit. T:ugc
T:analysis Stock analysis articles from a curated list of sources T:analysis
T:industry Industry publications from a curated list of sources T:industry

Example queries

Example query Semantics API call URL Rendered stories
(and tt:aapl s:sec) SEC filings from Apple Inc. (ticker: aapl) https://api.tickertick.com/feed?q=(and tt:aapl s:sec) (and tt:aapl s:sec)
(or tt:meta tt:aapl tt:amzn tt:nflx tt:goog) News stories about FAANG stocks https://api.tickertick.com/feed?q=(or tt:meta tt:aapl tt:amzn tt:nflx tt:goog) (or tt:meta tt:aapl tt:amzn tt:nflx tt:goog)
(and (or tt:meta tt:goog) s:reddit) News stories about Meta (meta) and Google (goog) from reddit.com https://api.tickertick.com/feed?q=(and (or tt:meta tt:goog) s:reddit) (and (or tt:meta tt:goog) s:reddit)
(diff (or tt:meta tt:goog) s:reddit) News stories about Meta (meta) and Google (goog) not from Reddit.com https://api.tickertick.com/feed?q=(diff (or tt:meta tt:goog) s:reddit) (diff (or tt:meta tt:goog) s:reddit)
(diff E:elon_musk s:nytimes) Stories with Elon Musk in titles not from The New York Times https://api.tickertick.com/feed?q=(diff E:elon_musk s:nytimes) (diff E:elon_musk s:nytimes)

Example API calls

URL parameters Semanrics API call URL Rendered stories
Get 5 stories about Amazon(amzn) older than story with id 1866158884274957563 https://api.tickertick.com/feed?q=tt:amzn&last=1866158884274957563&n=5 q=tt:amzn&last=1866158884274957563&n=5


The response is a JSON blob consisting of an array of stories in reverse chronological order. Each story has the following fields

Story field Description
id A unique string id of the story. The id can be used for pagination as the value of the parameter last.
title The title of the news story.
url The url of the news story.
site The source website of the news story.
time The timestamp of the news story. It's the number of milliseconds since the "Unix epoch", 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (UTC). The same semantics as Date.now() in Javascript.
favicon_url The url of the favicon of the source website.
tags An array of strings. Each string is the ticker for which the story is. This field is presented only when any tt: term is in the query.
similar_stories An array of strings. Each string is a story ID referencing another story in the response. The referenced stories are considered stories similar to this one. This field is optional.
description The description of the news story. This field is optional.

An example response from request URL https://api.tickertick.com/feed?q=(and T:curated tt:aapl)&n=30

  "stories": [
      "id": "426800427666858718",
      "title": "Apple Reality Pro VR Headset: New Leak Reveals Unprecedented Detail",
      "url": "https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidphelan/2023/06/03/apple-reality-pro-vr-headset-new-leak-reveals-unprecedented-detail/",
      "site": "forbes.com",
      "time": 1685790913000,
      "favicon_url": "https://static.tickertick.com/website_icons/forbes.com.ico",
      "tags": [
      "similar_stories": [
      "description": "It’s a new mixed-reality headset and it’s a very big deal. It’s a new mixed-reality headset and it’s a very big deal.",
      "tickers": [
      "id": "7335329458973640129",
      "title": "Apple’s Rumored VR Headset Has Sent Its Rivals Scrambling",
      "url": "https://www.wired.com/story/apple-vr-headset-sent-rivals-scrambling/",
      "site": "wired.com",
      "time": 1685790000000,
      "favicon_url": "https://static.tickertick.com/website_icons/wired.com.ico",
      "tags": [
      "description": "If Apple announces a highly anticipated VR headset at its upcoming Worldwide Developers Conference, it may validate work by other companies in the industry.",
      "tickers": [
      "id": "-560799274878500337",
      "title": "PayPal: Don't Fear Apple Pay And Stripe | $AAPL $AXP $MA $V $PYPL",
      "url": "https://seekingalpha.com/article/4609213-paypal-dont-fear-apple-pay-stripe",
      "site": "seekingalpha.com",
      "time": 1685787446000,
      "favicon_url": "https://static.tickertick.com/website_icons/seekingalpha.com.ico",
      "tags": [
      "tickers": [
  "last_id": "-560799274878500337"


Parameter Description Options Example value
p The query string to match the company name or the stock ticker. Any string. Tesl
n How many tickers to return at most. Any integer. 4


The returned result is a JSON string consisting of all matched stock tickers.


Search for any tickers matching Ama - https://api.tickertick.com/tickers?p=Ama&n=2

  "tickers": [
      "ticker": "amzn",
      "company_name": "Amazon.com, Inc."
      "ticker": "amag",
      "company_name": "AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Inc."

Search for any tickers matching aa - https://api.tickertick.com/tickers?p=aa&n=2

  "tickers": [
      "ticker": "aapl",
      "company_name": "Apple Inc."
      "ticker": "aal",
      "company_name": "American Airlines Group, Inc."


HC Zhu - mail AT tickertick.com - @hzhu_



The backend of TickerTick API uses an English Transformer pipeline, en_core_web_trf, from spaCy to extra named entities from text and accomplish other NLP tasks.

MediaWiki API

The backend of TickerTick API uses MediaWiki API to get entities related to a ticker, e.g. Elon Musk for TSLA, and WhatsApp for FB.

Favicon Grabber

The backend of TickerTick API uses Favicon Grabber to fetch website favicons.

API use cases


TickerTick.com provides the broadest stock news.

Big Tech News Twitter bot

Big Tech News uses TickerTick API to fetch news about big tech.

Trading Saga

Trading Saga is a quick and immersive trading game and uses TickerTick API to fetch stock news.