
Primary LanguagePython

instruction on how to use the api


  • A curriculum vitae (CV) is a brief description which shows an overview of an individual's Qualificaions, Skills and Work experience (if they do).


  • We are creating an application which will be able to receive CVs from job applicants and be able to store data in a database.


  1. The first thing we need to be creat is a Json data structure which shows an overview of how the data will be recieved. The Json data structure will be in mycv.py

  2. The second step will about creating a model data structure of how the data entered by an applicant will be stored in a database and this will be put in a file called model.py. The data will be stored in tables which have been defined as class instances in the model file.


The diagram below outlines the database structure for the CV application.


  • Below is a simple example of a Model class

              class Applicant(Base):
                      __tablename__ = "applicant"
                      id = column(string(64))
                      email = column(string(64))
                      Phone_number = column(String(64))
                      linked_in = column(String(64))
                      location = column(String(64))
                      name = column(String(64))
  1. The third step will about posting data in the database and this will be done using the create.py file. In this file there are functions which are used to fill in data in the database.
  • Before adding the data from the model to the database, you frist need to import the classes from the model.py

          from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
          from model import Applicant, Education, Skill, Work_experience, Reference, dbconnect
          from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
  • Below is a simple example of the function which add data to the applicant table in a database.

    • You need to create a function with param aplicant_dict which allows us to get the Json data from the mycv.py

    • The applicant = Applicant() allows us to hold an empty instance of the applicant class.

            def addApplicant(applicant_dict):    
            applicant = Applicant() 
  • Then the following codes are adding the attirbutes to the empty instance

              # Add attributes 
              applicant.name = applicant_dict["name"]    
              applicant.email = applicant_dict["email"]   
              applicant.phone_number = applicant_dict["phone_number"]   
              applicant.linked_in = applicant_dict["linked_in"]    
              applicant.location = applicant_dict["location"]    
              applicant.summary = applicant_dict["summary"]           
              return applicant
  1. The fourth step is creating a file called read.py which helps in retrieving data from the database. Below is an example:
  • Before retrieving the data from the model to the database, you frist need to import the classes from the model.py, flask, sqlalchemy

          from model import Applicant, dbconnect   
          from flask import Flask, jsonify   
          from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound  
  • Then a connection to the database will be held in a session variable.

          session = dbconnect()   
  • The function below is used to get data from the applicant table in the database

          def get_applicant(session,applicant_dict):    
              applicant = session.query(Applicant).where(Applicant.id == applicant_dict['id']).first()       
              print (applicant)
  1. The fifth step is creating Application Programming Interface (API) which will be used to send and retrieve data from the database.
  • Before writing the function which send and retrieves data from the database, it is important to import the classes from the model file

          from flask import Flask, request, jsonify   
          from model import Applicant, Education, Skill, Reference, Work_experience, dbconnect   
          from create import addApplicant, addEducation, addReference, addSkill, addWorkExperience   
          import json   
          from readcv import get_applicant
  • Below is a simple example of an API saved in an api.pyfile

              if request.method == 'POST':     
                 applicantInstance = addApplicant(request.json)     
                 for educationDict in request.json['Education']:     
                     educationInstance = addEducation(educationDict)   
                     educationInstance.applicant = applicantInstance               