Vets In Tech

September 2021 Cohort Course Repository

Week 1 - HTML5 && CSS3

  • Clone down Course Curriculum
  • Basic HTML Elements
  • Intro To CSS
  • Box Model
  • Styling Text
  • CSS Layout
  • Selectors
  • Flexbox

Week 2 - CSS3 && Javascript

  • Animated Carousel
  • Intro to JS
  • JS DOM Manipulation
  • JS Carousel

Week 3 - Intermediate Javascript

  • Building HTML with JS
  • SetTimeout
  • SetInterval
  • Timers/Countdowns
  • Modals
  • CSS Coordinate system
  • Position
  • Z - Index
  • querySelector

Week 4 - Final Project Completion / Graduation

  • Retail Product Page
  • Simon Says Web Game
  • Pomodoro + To Do List Productivity Web App
  • Quiz / Study Guide