- 1
Add example of regex expression
#1 opened by jenwei - 1
Have a way for users to submit feedback
#4 opened by hdavidzhu - 1
Create a readme
#5 opened by hdavidzhu - 1
Add basic error tracking
#6 opened by hdavidzhu - 1
Add basic Google analytics
#7 opened by hdavidzhu - 1
Constant bypassing can dilute bypassing effectiveness on non-work related activities.
#10 opened by hdavidzhu - 0
Add basic testing tools and some core tests
#9 opened by hdavidzhu - 0
Automate deploy and version bumping
#8 opened by hdavidzhu - 0
Be able to see a history of prior blocks
#2 opened by hdavidzhu - 0