
Puppet yum_cron Module

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION


Puppet Forge Build Status

Table of Contents

  1. Overview - What is the yum_cron module?
  2. Backwards Compatibility - Key changes between versions
  3. Usage - Configuration and customization options
  4. Reference - Parameter and detailed reference to all options
  5. Compatibility - Operating system and Puppet compatibility
  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


The yum_cron module manages the yum-cron package to allow for automatic updates and available updates notifications.

Backwards Compatibility

Version 3.x of this module modified the way apply_updates and download_updates parameters are handled. apply_updates now takes precedence over download_updates. If apply_updates is true then download_updates has no effect.

Version 2.x of this module added and removed many parameters. See CHANGELOG for detailed list of all the changes.

Version 1.x of this module replaced the disable_yum_autoupdate and remove_yum_autoupdate parameters with yum_autoupdate_ensure. The default behavior is still to disable yum-autoupdate.


Class: yum_cron

The default parameters will install and enable yum-cron to only check for updates and notify root if any are available.

On Scientific Linux the default behavior is also to disable yum-autoupdate.

class { 'yum_cron': }

These are the actions taken by the module with default parameter values:

  • Install yum-cron
  • Set configuration values to enable checking for updates and notify root
  • Start and enable the yum-cron service
  • Disable yum-autoupdate by setting ENABLED="false" in /etc/sysconfig/yum-autoupdate (Scientific Linux only)

This is an example of enabling automatic updates

class { 'yum_cron':
  apply_updates => true,

Refer to the yum-cron manpage for all available configuration options.

Additional configuration values can be passed to the yum-cron configurations via the extra_configs parameter.

To define additional configuration options for EL6:

class { 'yum_cron':
  extra_configs => {
    'yum_cron ERROR_LEVEL' => { 'variable' => 'ERROR_LEVEL', 'value' => '1' }

To define additional configuration options for EL7:

class { 'yum_cron':
  extra_configs => {
    'email/email_from' => { 'value' => 'foo@bar.com' }


Public Classes

Class: yum_cron:

Installs and configures yum-cron. Default values in Hiera format are below.

$::osfamily == 'RedHat'

yum_cron::ensure: 'present'
yum_cron::enable: true
yum_cron::download_updates: true
yum_cron::apply_updates: false
yum_cron::mailto: 'root'
yum_cron::systemname: "%{::fqdn}"
yum_cron::days_of_week: '0123456'
yum_cron::cleanday: '0'
yum_cron::update_cmd: 'default'
yum_cron::update_messages: 'yes'
yum_cron::email_host: 'localhost'
yum_cron::extra_configs: {}
yum_cron::yum_autoupdate_ensure: 'disabled'
yum_cron::package_ensure: undef
yum_cron::package_name: 'yum-cron'
yum_cron::service_name: 'yum-cron'
yum_cron::service_ensure: undef
yum_cron::service_enable: undef
yum_cron::service_hasstatus: true
yum_cron::service_hasrestart: true

$::operatingsystemmajrelease == '7'

yum_cron::debug_level: '-2'
yum_cron::randomwait: '360'
yum_cron::config_path: '/etc/yum/yum-cron.conf'

$::operatingsystemmajrelease == '6'

yum_cron::debug_level: '0'
yum_cron::randomwait: '60'
yum_cron::config_path: '/etc/sysconfig/yum-cron'

Defines the presence of yum-cron. Valid values are 'present' and 'absent'. Default is 'present'.


Boolean that defines the state of yum-cron. Default is true


Boolean that determines if updates should be automatically downloaded. Default is true


Boolean that determines if updates should be automatically installed. Default is false. If set to true then download_updates ignored.


Sets debug level. Default varies based on OS version Applies only to EL7 and EL6.


Sets random wait time. Default varies based on OS version Applies only to EL7 and EL6.


Address notified about updates. Default is 'root' Applies only to EL7 and EL6.


Name of system used in notifications. Default is $::fqdn Applies only to EL7 and EL6.


Days of the week that yum-cron will run. Default is '0123456' Applies only to EL6.


Day of the week yum-cron will cleanup. Default is '0' Applies only to EL6.


The kind of updates to use. Default is 'default' Applies only to EL7.

Valid values:

# default                            = yum upgrade
# security                           = yum --security upgrade
# security-severity:Critical         = yum --sec-severity=Critical upgrade
# minimal                            = yum --bugfix upgrade-minimal
# minimal-security                   = yum --security upgrade-minimal
# minimal-security-severity:Critical =  --sec-severity=Critical upgrade-minimal

Determines whether a message should be emitted when updates are available, downloaded, and applied. Default is 'yes' Applies only to EL7.


Host used to send email messages. Default is 'localhost' Applies only to EL7.


Hash that can be used to define additional configurations. Default is {} Applies only to EL7 and EL6.

The Hash is passed to create_resources. For EL7 the hash defines additional yum_cron_config resources. For EL6 the hash defines additional shellvar resources.


Defines how to handle yum-autoupdate on Scientific Linux systems. Default is 'disabled' Applies only to Scientific Linux.

Valid values:

  • 'disabled' (default) - Sets ENABLED='false' in /etc/sysconfig/yum-autoupdate.
  • 'absent' - Uninstall the yum-autoupdate package.
  • 'undef' or 'UNSET' - Leave yum-autoupdate unmanaged.

The ensure value passed to yum-cron package resource. Default is undef When undef, the value passed to the package resources is based on this class' ensure parameter value.


yum-cron package name. Default is 'yum-cron'


yum-cron service name. Default is 'yum-cron'


The ensure value passed to yum-cron service resource. Default is undef When undef, the value passed to the service resources is based on this class' ensure and enable parameter values.


The ensure value passed to yum-cron package resource. Default is undef When undef, the value passed to the service resources is based on this class' ensure and enable parameter values.


Service hasstatus property. Default is true


Service hasrestart property. Default is true


Path to yum-cron configuration. Default is based on OS version.


This module should be compatible with all RedHat based operating systems and Puppet 4.7.x and later.

It has only been tested on:

  • CentOS 7
  • CentOS 6
  • Scientific Linux 6



Testing requires the following dependencies:

  • rake
  • bundler

Install gem dependencies

bundle install

Run unit tests

bundle exec rake test

If you have Vagrant >= 1.2.0 installed you can run system tests

bundle exec rake beaker