
Simple on premises MSSQL server with kubernetes to use as SQL server in DEV environment


Simple on premises MSSQL server with kubernetes to use as SQL server in DEV environment


Docker Desktop (https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/)

1. Clone repository

git clone https://github.com/hdesousa/simple-mssql-on-pemises-with-kubernetes.git

2. Create a secret to store sa password

Put a password with a minimun of 8 and with special chars to avoid errors during the initialization

kubectl create secret generic mssql --from-literal=MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD="veryStrongP@ssword_1"

3. Edit mssqlPersistentVolume.yaml

On line 7 change the size of the needed volume to store the SQL data. It is configured to have 50 Gb

storage: 50Gi

On line 14 change the path of folder to save the volume. Example on windows (to folder C:\persistentVolumes\mssql):

path: "/run/desktop/mnt/host/c/persistentVolumes/mssql"

Example on linux or mac (to folder /persistentVolumes/mssql):

path: "/persistentVolumes/mssql"

4. Edit mssqlPersistentVolumeClaim.yaml

On line 10 change the size to the same size inserted on line 7 of mssqlPersistentVolume.yaml It is configured to have 50 Gb

storage: 50Gi

5. Edit mssqlDeployment.yaml

Change the development file with the needed parameters

6. (Just for windows) Pull manually the SQL image

Pull manually the SQL image (because a known bug on Kubernetes: https://serverfault.com/questions/1107050/context-deadline-exceeded-error-on-pod-in-kubernetes-while-pulling-a-public-im)

docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server

7. Deploy server

Run this commands on terminal inside the repository folder:

kubectl apply -f .\mssqlPersistentVolume.yaml
kubectl apply -f .\mssqlPersistentVolumeClaim.yaml
kubectl apply -f .\mssqlDeployment.yaml