A small implementation of Normalized Compression Distance

Primary LanguageC


This repository contains two implementations of NCD, the Bash implementation is a simple script created to compare only two files. You can run the command as follows:

sh NCD.sh file1 file2

The output of the script is the NCD distance between the two files.

The second is a C implementation which aims to create a pairwise matrix from a folder calculating the NCD distance among all the .bin/.exe elements of the folder. This implementation uses threads. The output is triangular matrix whit two columns: the first column corresponds to the NCD values and the second to the order. This implementation is under development.

Compressibility Rate

You can also find a small script to calculate the compressibility rate in the bash folder. To run the script type:

sh CR.sh file


You need to have 7zip in your system due to both programs use 7za command. It is not expected to work in Windows.