
Python library daemon, asyncio terminal, logger

Primary LanguagePython

Python daemonizer package

This is a Python module that will daemonize your Python script so it can continue running in the background. It works on Unix, Linux and OS X, creates a PID file and has standard commands (start, stop, virtual console), integrated logger.



rest code will be executed as daemon

Command line arguments


If daemon not yet started, start daemon and forward all output to console.
CTRL+C stop console, but daemon continue working.
If daemon already started connect to dameon virtual console and forward output to console. All inputs from console forward to daemon process stdin.


Same as --terminal but Start advanced vitual console.


Terminate daemon.

Integrated logger

logger = daemon.getLogger('test')

log.info('info message')
log.error('error message')
log.debug('debug message')
