
Codes for our paper "CenterNet: Keypoint Triplets for Object Detection" .

Primary LanguagePython

by Kaiwen Duan, Song Bai, Lingxi Xie, Honggang Qi, Qingming Huang and Qi Tian

The code to train and eval our CenterNet is available here. Thanks Princeton Vision & Learning Lab! For more details, please refer to our arXiv paper.

Our method is an one-stage detector and learns from scratch. On the MS-COCO dataset, CenterNet achieves an AP of 47.0%!


CenterNet is a framework for object detection with deep ConvNets. You can use the code to train/evaluate a network for object detection task.

  • It achieves state-of-the-art performance on one of the most challenging dataset: MS-COCO.
  • Our code is written by Python, based on CornerNet.



Comparison with other methods




In terms of speed, we test the inference speed of both CornerNet and CenterNet on a NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPU. We obtain that the average inference time of CornerNet511-104 (means that the resolution of input images is 511X511 and the backbone is Hourglass-104) is 300ms per image and that of CenterNet511-104 is 340ms. Meanwhile, using the Hourglass-52 backbone can speed up the inference speed. Our CenterNet511-52 takes an average of 270ms to process per image, which is faster and more accurate than CornerNet511-104.


Please first install Anaconda and create an Anaconda environment using the provided package list.

conda create --name CenterNet --file conda_packagelist.txt

After you create the environment, activate it.

source activate CenterNet

Compiling Corner Pooling Layers

cd <CenterNet dir>/models/py_utils/_cpools/
python setup.py install --user

Compiling NMS

cd <CenterNet dir>/external

Installing MS COCO APIs

cd <CenterNet dir>/data/coco/PythonAPI

Downloading MS COCO Data

  • Download the training/validation split we use in our paper from here (originally from Faster R-CNN)
  • Unzip the file and place annotations under <CenterNet dir>/data/coco
  • Download the images (2014 Train, 2014 Val, 2017 Test) from here
  • Create 3 directories, trainval2014, minival2014 and testdev2017, under <CenterNet dir>/data/coco/images/
  • Copy the training/validation/testing images to the corresponding directories according to the annotation files

Training and Evaluation

To train CenterNet-104:

python train.py CenterNet-104

We provide the configuration file (CenterNet-104.json) and the model file (CenterNet-104.py) for CenterNet in this repo.

We also provide a trained model for CenterNet-104, which is trained for 480k iterations using 8 Tesla V100 (32GB) GPUs. You can download it from [here](https://pan.baidu.com/s/17RvbWaxrvW1kXRuk7XmIfw code:2clj) and put it under <CenterNet dir>/cache/nnet (You may need to create this directory by yourself if it does not exist). If you want to train you own CenterNet, please adjust the batch size in CenterNet-104.json to accommodate the number of GPUs that are available to you.

To use the trained model:

python test.py CenterNet-104 --testiter 480000 --split <split>

To train CenterNet-52:

python train.py CenterNet-52

We provide the configuration file (CenterNet-52.json) and the model file (CenterNet-52.py) for CenterNet in this repo.

We also provide a trained model for CenterNet-52, which is trained for 480k iterations using 8 Tesla V100 (32GB) GPUs. You can download it from [here](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Ltig0csUPp4T5HA4BjHikA code:ed0y) and put it under <CenterNet dir>/cache/nnet (You may need to create this directory by yourself if it does not exist). If you want to train you own CenterNet, please adjust the batch size in CenterNet-52.json to accommodate the number of GPUs that are available to you.

To use the trained model:

python test.py CenterNet-52 --testiter 480000 --split <split>

We also include a configuration file for multi-scale evaluation, which is CenterNet-104-multi_scale.json and CenterNet-52-multi_scale.json in this repo, respectively.

To use the multi-scale configuration file:

python test.py CenterNet-52 --testiter <iter> --split <split> --suffix multi_scale


python test.py CenterNet-104 --testiter <iter> --split <split> --suffix multi_scale