
Pure C++ asteroids clone

Primary LanguageC++


Just a simple project to mess around with C++ and allegro gaming library. This is not to be considered a polished or production-ready product, just a prototype.


  • When the game starts a spaceship is created in the middle of the screen.

  • If an asteroids touches the spaceship, one live will be subtracted and the spaceship will be respawned.

  • The spaceship can't die in its first 2 seconds of life, even if an asteroid touches it.

  • Asteroid randomly appear on screen.

  • Game ends when either all the asteroids are destroyed or when the player loses the life.


  • In game:

In game

  • Winning screen:

Ending screen


  • Add a Player class that contains a Spaceship object.

  • Makefile

  • An asteroid should not be able to hurt a ship in the first second or so (in case it gets spawned too near the player).

  • When an asteroid explodes, it should create smaller (and faster) asteroids.