
numpy implementation of a feed forward neural network with backpropagation

Primary LanguagePython

Neural Network

A pure numpy implementation of a feed forward neural network in Python via Stochastic Gradient Descent with backpropagation.

This is not meant to be a state of the art implementation (no GPU implementation, no convolutions, no dropout ...), more an academic exercise for me to deeply understand the inner details of neural nets. In this respect, it was a very useful and successful project.

The only optimization used is the vectorization when doing mini batch, which gives faster result with respect to regular iteration on lists, but can make the code less clear to understand. I have added some explanations both in the code and in this file to clarify key points.

How it works

TL;DR version: try the MNIST demo which (if needed) will download the MNIST data, train a network on the train data, and print the cost on both train and test data at each iteration.

python3 demo_mnist.py

Seriously, try it, it works (Python 3 only for now)!

Create the network

First of we need to create a NeuralNetwork object. It can be initialized in two ways:

  • with a list containing the number of neurons in each layer:

      import NeuralNetwork as nn
      shape = [2, 5, 1]
      NN = nn.NeuralNetwork(shape)

This creates a neural network with 2 dimensional input layer, a 5 dimensional hidden layer and a 1 dimensional output layer. There is no limit in the number of layers (except memory of course).

  • with a string, path to a previously saved config file.

      import NeuralNetwork as nn
      file_location = 'my_saved_network.json'
      NN = nn.NeuralNetwork(file_location)

The data

The data must be contained in either a list of lists or a numpy.array of dimensions (k, shape[0]) where shape[0] is the dimension of the input layer and k is the number of data points. Similarly, the targets have dimensions (k, shape[-1]) where shape[-1] is the dimensions of the output layer. Think about that as a list where each new example is appended.

Note that in case the data is given as a list of lists it is internally converted into a numpy.array for faster matrix multiplication. Such arrays are then transposed for consistency with the current literature.

Training the network

To train the network we must call the train method on the NeuralNetwork object. Is it important to pass the train_data and train_labels variable.

# given train_data and train_labels and `NN` as before:
NN.train(train_data=train_data, train_labels=train_labels)

The network will now start training. Once the network is trained we can see what it predicts on some data via


Technically this could be done at any moment, but an untrained network would just give a random result.

Advanced training options

The train method contains some advanced options not described in the base tutorial above. We will give here a brief description, together with their default value.

  • batch_size=100

    Default size of the minibatch used for SGD. Note that total_examples % batch_size data point are discarded (if batch_size divides total_examples we are not discarding any data).

  • epochs=20

    Number of desired training epochs.

  • learning_rate=.3

    Learning rate for the network. Note that is remains constant during the whole training process.

  • classification=True

    The network is training for a classification task. This means that the labels are passed as list of integers (each integer representing a class) and are vectorized automatically. The accuracy is calculated via the argmax which does not take into account the confidence of the network for each prediction.

  • print_cost=False

    If set to True, it will print the value of the cost function at the end of each epochs. Note that this might slow the training, since it requires a new forward passage of the data through the network.

  • test_data=None, test_labels=None

    If print_cost is True, we can also pass test data and labels to print the accuracy on such dataset. As before, this might cause a slowdown due to an extra forward passage.

  • plot=False

    If print_cost is also True at the end the function will produce a plot showing the error rate for the training test at each iteration. If test_data and training_data are also passed, the plot will also contain a plot of the error in the testing set.

Other methods

The NeuralNetwork class contains some other methods, namely:

  • NN.save

Used to save the network data on disk. It dumps a JSON file (with keys shape, weights and biases), where the np.array containing the weight and biases are converted to a regular Python list.

# assume NN is a NeturalNetwork object
  • NN.load

Load a previously saved network from disk. Note that the JSON file must contain all the keys dumped by the save method.

  • NN.predict

As mentioned before, used to predict on new data. NN.predict(new_data) will return a np.array with the predicted result.

Future plans

I think I have learned enough from this project, and I don't plan to add new features. If you find any bugs, please feel free to open a ticket.

I wrote some extra code: I started with the dropout mask and added the ReLu activation function. I think that I could write the 90% of the code pretty quickly, but the remaining part will definitely take too much time. I prefer to concentrate to other projects.