- 0
- 6
Doesn't work in constrained layouts
#441 opened by xinbai240524 - 1
Clarification: Can I able to add the text below the image using this package
#436 opened by jesphinpt - 1
- 1
Circle image view not working in android 7
#434 opened by 1902shubh - 1
The following classes could not be instantiated: - de.hdodenhof.circleimageview.CircleImageView
#432 opened by tireks - 5
- 1
add Support for drawable colors
#407 opened by gurkirat-sys - 2
CircleImageView OutOfMemoryError
#429 opened by billdizl - 1
Native Crash
#428 opened by wallacedong - 1
- 2
Circular image View destroy image px.
#424 opened by mubeenoo1 - 3
App crash in Android OS version 7(nougat), Error inflating class de.hdodenhof.circleimageview.CircleImageView
#421 opened by Dhaval3344 - 3
the following class could not be instantiated
#420 opened by waltare68 - 1
circular image view onclick listener not working
#418 opened by Tsk29 - 1
Set three circle image view in same activity
#416 opened by stekendak01 - 1
onClick ripple effect issue
#401 opened by ilyasipek - 0
- 1
Pb dia
#423 opened by ilhamhaikalanwar - 2
can I pass a letter and showed as Image ?
#414 opened by Abdelsattar - 1
Image gets rotate when setting to an ImageView
#422 opened by bushsk - 2
CicleImageView doesn't work with FrameLayout
#417 opened by LucaNicosia - 1
- 2
Glide not loading pictures!
#412 opened by onuryurtturk - 1
What to do : Into the Sunset on May 1st: Bintray, JCenter, GoCenter, and ChartCenter
#411 opened by aslamhossin - 3
I encountered a problem when using Glide to load pictures, the pictures do not display
#410 opened by SakurajimaMaii - 0
Dairesel Resim Oluşturma
#409 opened by gcmustafa - 0
#403 opened by bledipiperku - 0
not working
#404 opened by shatanshu123 - 3
The picture still shows the original square
#398 opened by byman577 - 1
Unable to display a cropped image
#396 opened by Mas7erMind - 4
- 0
pro guard rules crashing error
#394 opened by ungaaaabungaaa - 1
onClick() event works randomly
#395 opened by peporroncin - 2
Internal offset is planned
#393 opened by RatmirEspo - 1
- 9
- 1
This doesn't work
#390 opened by yashjain27 - 3
Image stretch
#391 opened by billy9222 - 1
#389 opened by mahsashafiee - 2
- 1
adding border drynamically
#387 opened by billy9222 - 1
Adding border programmatically
#386 opened by billy9222 - 2
Circle Image didn't show on android device
#385 opened by ilhamfidatama - 1
Image with black frame not working correctly
#383 opened by marctan - 1
getting issue while adding dependencies
#382 opened by ronan2242 - 1
Inefficient API is used
#381 opened by cataloque - 1
Hello, how to adapt for tablets.
#377 opened by petrovyuri - 0
- 1
cannot be cast to
#379 opened by Manish068