Ideas on how we could build a web framework that is better for the planet and developers alike 💚
- a2brfrance
- AbhishekRP2002bengaluru
- ans9611California, United States
- antiantivirus
- apennell@Gusto
- Atww
- AymanMak1Nokia
- chrcit@madebyarthouse
- DACGitHub
- davidstackioPA, USA
- didmarFrance
- dmiolaQUUACK
- dotjayAs It Should Be Ltd
- Drobinson731GitHub
- escheiermannWolters Kluwer
- esskarGermany
- ettzziVittorio Veneto, Italy
- fannysofiaDevatus
- florian-lefebvre@op-ent
- fundidInfowise Systems Ltd.
- ggustin93
- gurdenbatra@Dark-Matter-Labs
- hennsonGermany
- hughlillyAuckland, New Zealand
- Jesperpaulsen@TheAtlasRepository
- jnrebelo@ Bürocratik
- joeqj@hungrysandwichclub
- katopzAVAREUM
- KauanRakoskiUFRGS
- LUX14Zx/dev/myself
- m4rrc0
- MadCoderr
- manucoffin
- mbleuerVorhall KLG
- mqasen
- raveling