kompanion kommunity - curated content 🥑
This repo is used solely for storing and revisioning content for the kompanion kommunity.
// Content's type definition in Typescript
// These types below (ex: TExpertiseLevels) are basically describing which strings are accepted for
// each property of the content model (expertiseLevel, category, format).
// "format?:" -> the question mark (?) means it's an optional property
type TExpertiseLevels = "beginner" | "intermediate" | "advanced" | "allLevels";
type TCategories = "CMS" | "GraphQL" | "Business" | "Themes" | "Workflow" | "CSS" | "SEO" | "React" | "PWA" | "DevOps" | "Design";
type TFormats = "video" | "article" | "audio" | "tutorial" | "course" | "book" | "tool";
interface IRecommendation {
comment: string; // why is it important - max. 140char
user: string; // the handle of the user in GitHub
interface IContent {
title: string;
url: string;
recommendations: IRecommendation;
category: TCategories;
expertiseLevel?: TExpertiseLevels; // who is it for?
format?: TFormats;
File names will come in the shape slugified-url.json
Importing from Notion
Super useful if you're constantly saving content from the web with Notion's webclipper. (More to write about this later)
- Export your table as
; - Use CSV to JSON Converter to create a huge JSON array;
- Find and replace in VS Code:
- find:
("importance": "[^"]*")
- replace:
"suggestions": [{ "user": "YOUR_GH_HANDLE_HERE", $1}]