
Speed up your Sanity.io development with snippets tailored for building schemas, queries and desk structures ✨

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sanity.io VS Code snippets

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A set of useful snippets to speed up your Sanity.io development. I've been using some of these snippets for over 3 years now, and they drastically increase my capacity to deliver fast and precisely, hope you enjoy 😊

GIF showing a demo of the snippets in action - it creates an article schema in ~40s

The snippets available

Every snippets starts with either sanity(...) or groq(...), so you know they won't collide with your other snippets. They are enabled for Javascript & Typescript files, reach out if you need to enable them for other extensions.

  • Sanity Schema (sanitySchema): Create a simple schema for the CMS (document, object or image)
  • Sanity Field (sanityFld): Add a field to a sanity object / document
  • Sanity Custom Description (sanityDesc): Add a custom description to a field, document or object
  • Sanity Optional (sanityOptional): Add a cue that a field is optional
  • Sanity Optional Encouraged (sanityOptionalEncouraged): Add a cue that a field is optional, but encourage writing it
  • Sanity Tip description (sanityTip): Add a tip as a field's description
  • Sanity Fieldset (sanityFieldset): Add fieldsets to a sanity object / document
  • Sanity Collapse Field (sanityCollapse): Make a given object field collapsible to help editors scroll less through the document
  • Sanity Required (sanityRequired): Make a given field required
  • Sanity Array Validation (min & max) (sanityArrValidation): Validate an array field based on its length
  • Sanity Basic Array (sanityArrFld): Create a basic array field in Sanity
  • Sanity Reference Field (sanityRefFld): Create a basic reference field in Sanity
  • Sanity Preview with Select (sanityPreviewSelect): Add a basic preview with selection object in Sanity
  • Sanity Select Object (sanitySelect): Add a basic selection object for preview in Sanity
  • Sanity Prepare Function (sanityPrepare): Add a prepare function for preview in Sanity
  • Sanity Preview with Select and Prepare* (sanityPreviewSelectPrepare): Add a preview with selection object and prepare function in Sanity
  • Sanity Object Field (sanityObjFld): Create a basic object field in Sanity
  • Sanity list of options (sanityListArray): Add a list array to string/number/array types to render specific options to users. 🚨 For arrays, this only works if it's an array of strings, in which case it'll render checkboxes
  • GROQ block drafts constraint (groqDraftConstraint): Constraint for groq queries to prevent or limit to drafted documents
  • Component document view (sanityViewComponent): Add a view to a document with a React component
  • Structure document list (sanityDocList): Adds a listItem in your desk structure for custom document list. Perfect for filtering by document values or adding docs from multiple types

Feel free to contribute your snippets!

This is a work in progress

Your feedback is very much appreciated as long as it's respectful and inclusive :)