
A react & typescript starter project.

Primary LanguageCSS


A react & typescript starter project.

!!! Deprecated !!!

This repository is no longer maintained. Please use react-typescript-spa-starter instead.

Frameworks & Toolchain

  • Typescript
  • Foundation 6 & SCSS
  • Webpack 4
  • Jest & Enzyme
  • React 16
  • Redux 4 & redux-thunk


  • Testing with Jest
  • Code Coverage with Jest
  • Pre-commit and pre-push hooks
  • Cross-platform commands (Windows & Linux supported)



  1. Clone the repository
cd /your/project/directory
git clone https://github.com/hdpinto/react-typescript-starteroni.git .
  1. Delete the .git folder, you don't want to be making commits to this project ;)

Windows Powershell: rm -Force -r .\.git\

Linux: rm -fr ./.git/

  1. Initialize your own repository (optional)
git init

Available Commands

all commands must be run using npm run

testnpm run test

Command Action
test Runs jest --watch, will run the test suite and watch for changes to code and tests
build Production build
copy-static Copies static assets from ./fonts/ and ./img/ to ./webroot/ folder
dev-build Development build, runs tests before building & copy-static
dev-watch Development watch command, runs webpack in watch mode
deploy Alias for build
deploy-dev Alias for dev-build
coverage Runs all tests & code coverage
tslint Lints your project, runs on precommit hook