Maybe is the most quickly codesign alternative for iOS12+ in the world, cross-platform, more features.
You must install openssl library at first, then
g++ *.cpp common/*.cpp -lssl -lcrypto -O3 -o zsign
I have already tested on macOS and Linux (need unzip and zip command).
Usage: zsign [-options] [-k privkey.pem] [-m dev.prov] [-o output.ipa] file|folder
-k, --pkey Path to private key or p12 file. (PEM or DER format)
-m, --prov Path to mobile provisioning profile.
-c, --cert Path to certificate file. (PEM or DER format)
-d, --debug Generate debug output files. (.zsign_debug folder)
-f, --force Force sign without cache when signing folder.
-o, --output Path to output ipa file.
-p, --password Password for private key or p12 file.
-b, --bundleid New bundle id to change.
-n, --bundlename New bundle name to change.
-e, --entitlements New entitlements to change.
-z, --ziplevel Compressed level when output the ipa file. (0-9)
-l, --dylib Path to inject dylib file.
-i, --install Install ipa file using ideviceinstaller command for test.
-q, --quiet Quiet operation.
-v, --version Show version.
-h, --help Show help.
- Show CodeSignature segment info.
- Sign ipa with private key and mobileprovisioning file.
./zsign -k privkey.pem -m dev.prov -o output.ipa -z 9 demo.ipa
- Sign folder with p12 and mobileprovisioning file (using cache).
./zsign -k dev.p12 -p 123 -m dev.prov -o output.ipa folder
- Sign folder with p12 and mobileprovisioning file (without cache).
./zsign -f -k dev.p12 -p 123 -m dev.prov -o output.ipa folder
- Inject dylib and resign.
./zsign -k dev.p12 -p 123 -m dev.prov -o output.ipa -l demo.dylib demo.ipa
- Change bundle id and bundle name
./zsign -k dev.p12 -p 123 -m dev.prov -o output.ipa -b '' -n 'TreeNewBee' demo.ipa