
Automatic compilation of js and css

Primary LanguagePHP

Automatically compile and merge files js + css

This solution enables you to dynamically combine js and css files to optimize the html page. This allows you to improve the performance of google page speed


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist skeeks/yii2-assets-auto-compress "*"

or add

"skeeks/yii2-assets-auto-compress": "*"

How to use

//App config
    'bootstrap'    => ['assetsAutoCompress'],
    'components'    =>
        'assetsAutoCompress' =>
            'class'         => '\skeeks\yii2\assetsAuto\AssetsAutoCompressComponent',
//App config
    'bootstrap'    => ['assetsAutoCompress'],
    'components'    =>
        'assetsAutoCompress' =>
            'class'             => '\skeeks\yii2\assetsAuto\AssetsAutoCompressComponent',
            'enabled'           => true,
            'jsCompress'        => true,
            'cssFileCompile'    => true,
            'jsFileCompile'     => true,

Demo (view source code)

##Screenshot SkeekS CMS admin panel

SkeekS CMS admin panel

SkeekS CMS admin panel

SkeekS CMS admin panel

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