
An awesome list for water and wastewater related applications

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An awesome list for water and wastewater related applications

Sludge Models

  • Activated-Sludge-Models Activated Sludge Models implementations developed between Lund University and the Technical University of Denmark.

    1. ASM1, 2d and 3 implemented in BSM1
    2. ASM1, 2d and 3 implemented in BSM1 (with pH calculations)
  • pyADM1 a Python implementation of the Anaerobic Digestion Model number 1

Water Treatment Models

  • Ion Exchange Model Homogeneous Surface Diffusion Model (HSDM) and a Pore Surface Diffusion Model (PSDM) for ion exchange (IX) in fixed-bed columns

  • Pore and Surface Diffusion Model (PSDM) Pore and Surface Diffusion Model (PSDM) was converted into Python from the Fortran version used in AdDesignS(TM) from the Environmental Technologies Design Option Tool (ETDOT)


  • EPANET EPANET is an industry-standard program for modeling the hydraulic and water quality behavior of water distribution system pipe networks.

  • WNTR An EPANET compatible python package to simulate and analyze water distribution networks under disaster scenarios.

  • ORD Stormwater-Management-Model Solver Dynamic hydrology-hydraulic water quality simulation model

Design Tools

  • Environmental Technologies Design Option Tool (ETDOT) Software models that provides engineers with the capability to evaluate and design systems that use granular activated carbon or ion exchange resins for the removal of contaminants, including PFAS, from drinking water and wastewater
    1. Adsorption Design Software for Windows (AdDesignS) Version 1.0
    2. Advanced Oxidation Process Software (AdOx) Version 1.0.2
    3. Aeration System Analysis Program (ASAP) Version 1.0
    4. Biofilter Design Software Version 1.0.27
    5. Continuous Flow Pore Surface Diffusion Model for Modeling Powdered Activated Carbon
    6. Dye Study Program (DyeStudy) Version 1.0.0
    7. Predictive Software for the Fate of Volatile Organics in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants (FaVOr) Version 1.0.11
    8. Ion Exchange Design Software (IonExDesign) Version 1.0.0
    9. Software to Estimate Physical Properties (StEPP) Version 1.0
