
Team Members: Bin Hu (bxh171130) & Marcus Chiu (mxc123530)

Project Idea: Prolog Chess Game

Outline of Project

  • Interactive game between:
    • Human v computer
    • Computer v computer
    • Human v human
  • Choosing which player goes first

Game Flow

Each side takes turns (either Human and/or Computer) After each turn/move, check board state

Human Turn

  • Ask for input
  • Sanitize and validate the input which basically makes sure the input is a legal move
    • Queen - can only move horizontally, vertically, diagonally
    • Knight - moves in L shapes
    • Rook - moves horizontally and vertically
    • Bishop - moves diagonally
    • King - can move in any neighboring square
    • Pawn - can only move forward 1 space, or 2 spaces for the first move during game
    • All resultings moves should be within the board space
    • All moves should have a open path with no pieces between starting position and ending position (except for knights)
  • Then it executes the move onto to board state

Computer Turn

  • Given the current board state search all possible moves and calculate its corresponding score
  • Decide the best move based on the score
  • Then it executes the move onto to board state

Check Board State

  • Not End State
  • End State
    • Win Condition - obvious states
    • Lose Condition - obvious states
    • Tie Condition
      • King is not in checkmate and there are no legal moves to the current player
      • If the last 3 moves of each player are the “same”, then tie