I wrote most of this on the train, as is appropriate.
It's a trivial wrapper for the Irish Rail real time (whut?) train times system, in Ruby. It uses the HTTP GET API that was thankfully supplied along with the more interesting SOAP API, so a tiddly simple set up with RestClient and Nokogiri (two of my favourite things ever) to pull and process the XML data into Hashes for great value.
$ gem install ierail
require 'ierail'
ir = IERail.new
trains = ir.southbound_from('clongriffin')
trains = ir.station_times('clongriffin', 30)
trains.each { |t| p t.inspect }
trains = ir.northbound_from('clongriffin').after('HH:MM')
trains = ir.northbound_from('clongriffin').before('HH:MM')
NB: "HH:MM" must be soon, as the API, by default, returns upcoming arrivals
trains = ir.southbound_from('malahide').in(N)
trains = ir.station('clongriffin', 60)
trains.first.last_location # "Arrived Harmonstown"
trains.first.origin # {:name=>"Greystones", :time=>2013-05-13 22:10:00 +0100}
trains.first.destination # {:name=>"Malahide", :time=>2013-05-13 22:10:00 +0100}
trains.first.arrival # {:scheduled=>2013-05-13 22:09:00 +0100, :expected=>2013-05-13 22:10:00 +0100}
trains.first.departure # {:scheduled=>2013-05-13 22:09:00 +0100, :expected=>2013-05-13 22:10:00 +0100}
trains.first.duein # "2"
trains.first.late? # 0 || 1
Check the main.rb for additional usage.
Pull requests welcome, because there's damn all in it at the moment. Please accompany the pull request with an appropriate test.