
Easy to use javascript plugin to draw nice boxes and arrows to your website from simple markup like "(User) > (Admin)"

Primary LanguageJavaScript


DEPRECATION NOTE: This repo is deprecated. You can use it if you like and the code works ok, even if I wrote it before I got to used to testing (you can find a lot of plugins like this…). But it has poor extendibility (not to speak about the internal structure) and it heavely relates on an unperformant and very outdated js drawing plugin. I basically used if for sequence diagrams, but for those I’d rather suggest you take a look at http://bramp.github.io/js-sequence-diagrams/


Draws nice boxes and arrows to your website from simple markup like (User) > (Admin)

See here for demo and doc

Example screenshot of dynamically created drawing with javascript

Click it to see real demo + doc!

Code for the drawing above

(Dennis) >likes ((Food >because it's[t])) ||
() (t:tasty)