This is intended as a simple unit test to illustrate an apparent link and build location mismatch when linking a framework to an iOS application using the "standard" ios toolchain. I've included the ios toolchain in this repository to make it easy to reproduce the issue. I've include both the iOS application that reproduces the link error, and an OS X application, which links to the library in correct framework location. I'm looking for a CMakeLists.txt fix or possible workaround. There are two top level convenience bash scripts for building the applications with cmake using an xcode generator.
cmake --version
cmake version 3.2.1
bash -fx ./
+ NAME=_builds/ios
+ cmake -GXcode -H. -B_builds/ios -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=iOS.cmake
clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/dhirvonen/devel/cmake_framework_test/_builds/ios/Debug-iphoneos/TF.framework/Versions/A/TF'
The following build commands failed:
Ld _builds/ios/Debug-iphoneos/ normal armv7
(1 failure)
library path: _builds/ios/Debug-iphoneos/TF.framework/TF
This produces a flat framework layout (ignoring the FRAMEWORK_VERSION property (which is fine with me if I can get it to work)). It looks like this:
tree _builds/ios/Debug-iphoneos/TF.framework
├── Info.plist
├── TF
└── _CodeSignature
└── CodeResources
But when it reaches the link command for the ios application:
target_link_libraries(testa TF)
it fails, since it seems to expect the library to be two directories down within a versioned framework layout:
instead the directory is here:
I'm looking for a solution to either:
- correct the TF link path to use the actual (non versioned) framework layout that is currently generated, or
- correct the framework so that it uses the versioned layout to make that consistent with the link path
When I build this for OS X it seems to work fine. I'm curious if there is a variable or property that needs to be set for the iOS example to make it give the same behavior.
bash -fx ./
+ NAME=_builds/osx
+ cmake -GXcode -H. -B_builds/osx
library path: _builds/osx/Debug/TF.framework/Versions/A/TF
This produces a framework with the following layout:
tree _builds/osx/Debug/
├── TF.framework
│ ├── Resources -> Versions/Current/Resources
│ ├── TF -> Versions/Current/TF
│ └── Versions
│ ├── A
│ │ ├── Resources
│ │ │ └── Info.plist
│ │ ├── TF
│ │ └── _CodeSignature
│ │ └── CodeResources
│ └── Current -> A
└── testb
and the call to
target_link_libraries(testb TF)
Picks up the TF library in the correct location.
Framework specific cmake code (possibly relevant?)?
/Users/dhirvonen/devel/CMake/Source/cmTarget.cxx:4117: realName += "Versions/";
/Users/dhirvonen/devel/CMake/Source/cmTarget.cxx:6780: fpath += "/Versions/";