JSend's implementation writen in Go(aka golang)
This package is an implementation of JSend written in Go(aka golang).
go get github.com/clevergo/jsend
Usage is pretty simple.
// success response
jsend.Success(w, "any type of data")
// fail response
jsend.Fail(w, "any type of data")
// error response
jsend.Error(w, "error message")
// error response with extra code
jsend.ErrorCode(w, "error message", errorCode)
// error response with extra code and data
jsend.ErrorCodeData(w, "error message", errorCode, "any type of data")
Error Handling
It is application responsibility to handle error, see Full Example for further more detail.
Status Code
By default status code http.StatusOK
was used implicitly,
it can also be specified by the last parameter if necessary.
jsend.Success(w, "any type of data", http.StatusOK)
jsend.Fail(w, "any type of data", http.StatusForbidden)
jsend.Error(w, "error message", http.StatusInternalServerError)
Full Example
package main
import (
var users *Users
func init() {
users = &Users{
mutex: &sync.RWMutex{},
entries: []User{
User{"foo", "foo@example.com"},
User{"bar", "bar@example.com"},
func handleError(w http.ResponseWriter, err error) {
// for method chaining
if err == nil {
// convert error as jsend response
if err = jsend.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
func getUsers(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
handleError(w, jsend.Success(w, users.entries))
func getUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
id := clevergo.GetParams(r).Get("id")
user, found := users.find(id)
if !found {
handleError(w, jsend.Error(w, "User Not Found", http.StatusNotFound))
handleError(w, jsend.Success(w, user))
func createUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil {
handleError(w, err)
errs := map[string][]string{}
id := r.FormValue("id")
if id == "" {
errs["id"] = append(errs["id"], "id can not be blank")
if _, found := users.find(id); found {
errs["id"] = append(errs["id"], "id was taken")
email := r.FormValue("email")
if email == "" {
errs["email"] = append(errs["email"], "email can not be blank")
if len(errs) > 0 {
handleError(w, jsend.Fail(w, errs))
user := User{
ID: id,
Email: email,
handleError(w, jsend.Success(w, user))
func deleteUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
id := clevergo.GetParams(r).Get("id")
user, found := users.find(id)
if !found {
handleError(w, jsend.Error(w, "User Not Found", http.StatusNotFound))
handleError(w, jsend.Success(w, nil))
func main() {
app := clevergo.New(":1234")
app.Get("/users", getUsers)
app.Post("/users", createUser)
app.Get("/users/:id", getUser)
app.Delete("/users/:id", deleteUser)
type Users struct {
entries []User
mutex *sync.RWMutex
func (us *Users) find(id string) (User, bool) {
for _, user := range users.entries {
if user.ID == id {
return user, true
return User{}, false
func (us *Users) insert(user User) {
defer us.mutex.Unlock()
us.entries = append(us.entries, user)
func (us *Users) delete(id string) {
defer us.mutex.Unlock()
for i, user := range us.entries {
if user.ID == id {
us.entries = append(us.entries[:i], us.entries[i+1:]...)
type User struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Email string `json:"email"`
$ go run main.go
# fetch users
$ curl http://localhost:1234/users
# create user without required data
$ curl -XPOST http://localhost:1234/users
{"status":"fail","data":{"email":["email can not be blank"],"id":["id can not be blank"]}}
# create test user
$ curl -XPOST -d "id=test&email=test@example.com" http://localhost:1234/users
# refetch users
$ curl http://localhost:1234/users
# fetch test user
$ curl http://localhost:1234/users/test
# delete test user
$ curl -XDELETE http://localhost:1234/users/test
# refetch test user
$ curl http://localhost:1234/users/test
{"status":"error","data":null,"message":"User Not Found"}