React Combine Reducers

A helper utility to apply combineReducers functionality in react useReducer hook.


Install the module by running -

$ npm install react-combine-reducers


Import the helper function -

import combineReducers from 'react-combine-reducers';

The function takes an object of the following structure -

const [rootReducerCombined, initialStateCombined] = combineReducers({ reducerOne: [reducerOne, initialStateOne], reducertwo: [reducerTwo, initialStateTwo] });

Javascript Example -

	const initialStateOne = {
		name: "Harry",
		city: "London"
	const initialStateTwo = {
		country: "UK",
		userID: 1001
	const reducerOne = (state, action) => {
		switch (action.type) {
			case "ACTION_ONE": return { ...state, name: "Puli" };
			default: return state;
	const reducerTwo = (state, action) => {
		switch (action.type) {
			case "ACTION_TWO": return { ...state, country: "Germany" };
			default: return state;
	const [rootReducerCombined, initialStateCombined] = combineReducers({
		reducerOne: [reducerOne, initialStateOne],
		reducertwo: [reducerTwo, initialStateTwo]
	const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(rootReducerCombined, initialStateCombined);

Typescript Example -

	type User = {
  		name: string,
		city: string,
	type CombinedState = {
		reducerOne: User,
		reducertwo: User
	type Action = {
  		type: string,
  		payload?:any // replace any with your own known payload types
	type CombinedReducerType = (state: CombinedState, action: Action) => CombinedState;
	const initialStateOne: User = {
		name: "Harry",
		city: "London"
	const initialStateTwo: User = {
		country: "UK",
		userID: 1001
	const reducerOne = (state: User, action: Action) => {
		switch (action.type) {
			case "ACTION_ONE": return { ...state, name: "Puli" };
			default: return state;
	const reducerTwo = (state: User, action: Action) => {
		switch (action.type) {
			case "ACTION_TWO": return { ...state, country: "Germany" };
			default: return state;
	const [rootReducerCombined, initialStateCombined] = combineReducers({
		reducerOne: [reducerOne, initialStateOne],
		reducertwo: [reducerTwo, initialStateTwo]
	const [{ reducerOne, reducertwo }, dispatch] = useReducer<CombinedReducerType>(rootReducerCombined, initialStateCombined);

Edit your main .d.ts file and add:

declare module 'react-combine-reducers'


If you find a bug, please file an issue on our issue tracker on github.

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