🚀 Aternos Afk Bot All Version Supported With Login System
- 10 Stars = KeepAlive.js (best for replit users)
- 25 Stars = Chat Support (More Chat Features)
- 40 Stars = SeeInventory (express Url To See invertory)
- 50 Stars = DiscordBotSupport (Send Messages/Commands from Discord to Bot)
- Help Collecting Item For Diamond
- Sleep
- Auto Eat
- Armor Manager (Manage Armor)
- PvP (fight me BotName)
- Guard (guard BotName)
- Help (Help BotName)
- Hi Ping (Hi BotName)
- GeyserMc
- ViaVersion
- ViaBackWards
- git clone https://github.com/healer-op/AternosAfkBot.git
- cd AternosAfkBot
- npm i
- npm start
- Change Your Register Command to Login Command
"register-cmd":"/login MR_MR121",
"login-cmd":"/login MR_MR121"
- Try Restarting Bot Server