- Extract Plugin files basically zip inside zip
- Extract That Zip Inside Zip and Paste All Files Inside In Plugins Folder
- run the server
- stop and configurer plugins/heler/config.yml =======================================================================================================
1.Click on New Application in the top right corner. https://discord.com/developers/applications 2.Enter a name, and click on Create. 3.Then go to the Bot tab and click on Add Bot on the right hand side. Confirm. 4.Uncheck the first box: Public Bot. 5.Click on Save Changes at the bottom. 6.Now go to the OAuth2 tab, tick bot, then scroll down and tick Administrator. 7.Copy the generated link and paste it into your browser. 8.Select the server where you want to run proximity voice chat. Continue. 9.Check that the Administrator box is checked, and then click on Allow. 10.Solve the captcha if needed.
"token" Go back on the Discord Developer Portal:https://discord.com/developers/applications
"server" Go to the Discord settings and then to the Appearance tab. Scroll down and turn on Developer Mode. then right click on server and cody id eg:191012932
"mainchanel" Go to the Discord settings and then to the Appearance tab. Scroll down and turn on Developer Mode. then right click on main voice channel id and cody id eg:19101293321
Type /healer link You Will Get A Code now Message The code To The Bot
Join Main channel and boom done