
a command-line wardrobe manager

Primary LanguagePython

Tenue wardrobe manager

Tenue is a command-line application. It runs on Python and SQL.

Tenue is the French word for outfit.

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  • catalog your clothes
  • modify outfits in seconds
  • search clothes and outfits with keywords

Supported commands:

  • np - Create new piece
  • cp - Clone/Duplicate piece
  • ep - Edit piece
  • dp - Delete piece
  • no - Create outfit
  • ap - Add piece to outfit
  • rp - Remove piece from outfit
  • co - Clone/Duplicate outfit
  • do - Delete outfit
  • vp - View specific piece
  • vo - View specific outfit
  • sp - Search pieces
  • so - Search outfits

Design specifications:

Pieces of clothing have 6 optional attributes: kind, subkind, nickname, brand, colors, and accents.

  • Kinds are predefined: 'headwear', 'outerwear', 'top', 'underwear', 'bottom', 'footwear', and 'accessory'

  • Subkinds are user-defined attributes that further specify a kind (ex. "rain jacket" is a subkind of 'top')

  • Descriptions are optional. When used, they should help identify the piece (ex. "my favorite shirt")

  • Brands are the manufacturers/designers of pieces.

  • Colors are the major, dominant colors of a piece, and they must match a predefined CSS color

  • Accents are the same as colors except they represent minor, subtle colors of a piece


How do I use Tenue?

Clone this repository, install Python 3 and the dependencies above, then execute main.py