
  • NuoDB's JDBC gem - jdbc-nuodb-1.0.gem
  • NuoDB's Active Record gem - activerecord-jdbcnuodb-adapter-1.0.gem
  • Sample application - sample/sample.rb

Running the Sample

To run the sample do the following:

  1. Ensure that your jruby environment is configured correctly.

jruby -v jruby 1.6.5 (ruby-1.8.7-p330) (2011-10-25 9dcd388) (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.6.0_26) [darwin-x86_64-java]

  1. Install the NuoDB gems

gem install jdbc-nuodb-1.0.gem gem install activerecord-jdbcnuodb-adapter-1.0.gem

  1. Verify that the gems are installed

gem list

  1. Run the sample:

jruby sample.rb

Using Rails

To use NuoDB in a JRuby Rails application:

  1. Include NuoDB information in the database.yml file as:

development: adapter: nuodb database: test username: cloud password: user

  1. In the Gemfile, call the nuodb gem with:

gem 'activerecord-jdbcnuodb-adapter'