

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An example of how to write a plugin/add-on for levelweb.


Levelweb plugins are node modules, just npm install or git clone your module into the node_modules folder and run levelweb, your module will be added.


A data method

A module can contain any arbitrary code that is run when the app is loaded. Exported methods are added either as RPC methods or http routes (depending on their type).

exports.foo = { 

  // 'readable', 'writable', 'sync', 'async', 'http`
  type: 'async', 

  // any arbitrary group names to compare when the method is called
  groups: ['admin', 'user'],

  // if your method's `type` is async, it should have a callback
  method: function(somevalue, callback) {

    // `this` has a reference to the database instance
    // as well as the session object `{ sessionId='', groups=[], user='' }`

    var db = this.db
    var session = this.session

    // now maybe use an actual database method
    db.put(somevalue, callback)

A simple http route

In cases where you need to use http from a module, simply export a route and provide the type http. If the groups specified match any of the user's groups, the method will be executed. this has the context of the database and session.

exports['/imageupload/:filename'] = {
  type: 'http',
  groups: ['user'],
  method: function(req, res, urlParams) {
    var db = this.db
    var session = this.session
  // handle a file upload

