- 4
selection events
#31 opened by sidorares - 2
async fetch of tree data?
#30 opened by sidorares - 7
Pipe bug
#28 opened by AndreasMadsen - 5
Can't pipe
#3 opened by dscape - 3
Doesn't work with node's debugger?
#17 opened by danxshap - 2
Can't get demo code to work
#24 opened by KyleAMathews - 1
Doesn't work on node@master
#23 opened by dscape - 2
- 0
complains on node 0.7.8
#5 opened by isaacs - 0
Not working using `node` master branch
#21 opened by pksunkara - 0
- 2
fails on cdir'ing a req object
#16 opened by neiled - 3
add mouse clicking support
#7 opened by TooTallNate - 1
repl conflict of interest, both want stdin.
#12 opened by heapwolf - 0
#14 opened by heapwolf - 3
Handle circular dependencies
#9 opened by dshaw - 1
expanding a function should show toString()
#6 opened by isaacs - 1
npm install -g doesn't register bin
#2 opened by dscape