
An onboarding bot for busy admins and growing Slack teams.

Primary LanguageRuby


Aloha is a welcome bot that's easy to set up and customize. It sends helpful onboarding messages to new members after signing up.

Each message can have an optional delay, so you can space them out just like a drip marketing campaign.

Getting Started with Local Development

Install Dependencies

Aloha is a Rack app. Before you start, if you don't have Ruby and Rack installed, follow the instructions for setting up a typical Rails installation with Postgresql.

Create a Slack App for Development

To work locally, you'll need to create a Slack app for development. Once you've created it, go to App Credentials under Basic Information and copy the Client ID and Client Secret.

Clone the Repo

git clone https://github.com/ftwnyc/aloha && cd aloha

Set up Environment Variables

Add the following environment variables to your .env or .bash_profile, replacing the placeholders with the ID and secret you copied from your Slack app.


Install Gems


Create and Migrate the Database

rake db:create db:migrate

Start the App

bundle exec rackup

Open the Running App

Go to http://localhost:9292 and click Add to Slack to add your team to the local app and get started.


Install rerun, then run the following command to run the tests:

rerun --no-notify 'bundle exec rake test'