
Shorten your kubectl command.

Primary LanguageShell

kubectl fast


Shorten your kubectl command.

Why you want it

Just set namespace you working with.


And when you want to list all pods just type


instead of using full kubectl command kubectl get pod -n NAME_SPACE

Easy right?

How to install

Download kube helper

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/heart/Kubectl-Helper/master/kube_helper.sh -O .kube_helper

load .kube_helper in to your shell environment.

source  .kube_helper

You may paste it at the end of .bash_profile file or .zshrc if you using oh-my-zsh.

Command table

Command Description
kcns NAME_SPACE Set name space
showns Print current namespace
getp Pods List
getj Jobs List
getn Nodes List
geti Ingress List
gets Service List
desp POD_NAME Describe a Pod
desj JOB_NAME Describe a Job
desn NODE_NAME Describe a Node
desi INGRESS_NAME Describe a Ingress
dess SERVICE_NAME Describe a Service
klog POD_NAME Get logs from a Pod
kexec POD_NAME sh exec -t -i sh to a Pod

Why no apply and delete command?

Just a simple reason if it easy to type it will easy to make a mistake too.

Cheat sheet

kubectl helper cheat sheet