
Can't post to create

femto opened this issue · 1 comments

My LaudsController is

class LaudsController <  InheritedResources::Base
  respond_to :html,:json
  include HasScope
  has_scope :match_id

but when post to create action it says,
NoMethodError: undefined method `new' for #Plucky::Query:0x...,
I believe using HasScope turnings it into some Plucky::Query(which is Laud.all)

This isn't a bug on has_scope, but a compatiblity between inherited_resources and MongoMapper, as it looks like the MongoMapper scopes doesn't supports building operations like new or build. You might get this fixed by overriding the build_resource (https://github.com/josevalim/inherited_resources/blob/master/lib/inherited_resources/base_helpers.rb#L58-L60) method on your controller to not apply the scopes when creating a new Laud object.