- 3
Provide possible types to has_scope
#124 opened by baka-san - 5
apply_scopes on multiple resources
#64 opened by phlegx - 1
- 1
Problem with apply_scopes with relation
#121 opened by clubbavi - 6
- 2
`default` option doesn't work when using `using`
#104 opened by TylerRick - 2
can we access block value like hash?
#100 opened by hcyildirim - 3
Boolean Documentation is Misleading
#90 opened by atomaka - 3
- 2
Allow default options on the controller level
#108 opened by hschne - 1
belongs_to scope
#99 opened by masudhossain - 2
Please allow extra options in `has_scope`
#105 opened by alaz - 6
Apply scope on a different model than controller
#102 opened by hidr0 - 2
Have a issue using this with a user relation
#115 opened by kairos0ne - 2
Default values not updating
#114 opened by maxrosecollins - 2
Warnings when start the application
#111 opened by adolfopeccin - 3
Rails 6 Release
#110 opened by jeffnappi - 0
- 1
Allow rails 5.2 in gemspec
#96 opened by sriedel - 2
Array Documentation is Missing
#101 opened by narutoo9x - 1
Scope named 'exit' calls SystemExit
#87 opened by JonaC22 - 1
has_scope block is executed twice
#84 opened by patricklehmann - 2
Push 0.7.0 tag to GitHub
#85 opened by kaspth - 3
Same scope for different actions
#71 opened by youroff - 2
has_scope only works when I change the order of the scopes in the controller
#69 opened by codecalypso - 1
- 1
Rails 5 API: undefined method `helper_method'
#77 opened by ecdpalma - 3
adding named parameters / keyword arguments
#78 opened by nruth - 7
current_scopes only works after apply_scopes
#72 opened by GuyPaddock - 1
scope with nested resources
#76 opened by ausminternet - 2
apply_scopes available in helpers or views?
#75 opened by ausminternet - 2
undefined method `user_signed_in?'
#74 opened by atitan - 3
- 2
Routing error with has_scope
#62 opened by bnussey - 1
- 12
Rails 4 Deprecation
#41 opened by kstevens715 - 5
Release stable 0.6.0
#67 opened by betelgeuse - 3
- 1
scope with params `false` does not call boolean scope with type: :boolean and allow_blank
#66 opened by fluxsaas - 1
- 4
scope not activated from params
#60 opened by leonardochen - 3
Default values are cached on rails startup..
#59 opened by Altonymous - 11
How to link_to non boolean scopes?
#58 opened by OssieHirst - 3
- 1
Test using ActiveRecord
#43 opened by kstevens715 - 3
Add CHANGELOG documentation
#47 opened by zmillman - 1
Can't post to create
#54 opened by femto - 2
Make README instructions more clear about how to use the :using parameter
#45 opened by fabianoarruda - 1
- 7
default option doesn't work
#42 opened by danielgatis