- 2
There is a way to use custom attributes?
#88 opened by eduardolagares - 0
Rails 5.2 Support
#84 opened by aganov - 0
Blank class not applied when rendering a proc
#82 opened by skuark - 0
Explicit dependency in helper
#79 opened by Titinux - 5
Release new gem
#76 opened by huerlisi - 7
- 2
- 2
Numeric formating
#75 opened by phireis - 2
Unable to override separator inline
#69 opened by stgeneral - 3
Rails 4 and associations
#61 opened by boblin - 2
CSS Class Name collision
#59 opened by maduhaime - 1
Release with updates
#67 opened by nickl- - 3
Don't display on blank?
#56 opened by moktin - 8
Translate label with I18n automatically
#55 opened - 6
- 6
- 3
Support HAML template
#12 opened by albertoperdomo - 4
- 7
config.blank_content_class is ignored
#24 opened by boblin - 2
show_for_tag is ignored on subsequent records when used with render :collection
#45 opened by blakehilscher - 8
escape tag problems
#29 opened by Marmolin - 4
'escape' option does not affect 'value'
#44 opened by denispeplin - 1
- 6
- 6
Publish New Version
#37 opened by itspriddle - 10
:label => false problem
#11 opened by JFCreamer - 5
do block problem
#30 opened by Marmolin - 0
Add a :value option for attribute
#17 opened by carlosantoniodasilva - 6
translating labels
#26 opened by wdiechmann - 3
Couldn't attribute be the default?
#22 opened by stevenkolstad - 2
using HAML and show_for emits strange HTML
#20 opened by ep-wac - 2
need the attribute.value method from trunk
#21 opened by messyah - 2
- 8
cannot write raw html
#10 opened by chillicoder - 2
Skipping label is buggy
#8 opened by grimen - 2
:label => false issue
#7 opened by eugenebolshakov - 3
Why are there br tags?
#9 opened - 3
- 3
Show_for and Model Attributes
#5 opened by shenoudab - 2
- 1
Not working under Rails 3
#4 opened by CalBR - 1
Not compatible with HAML
#2 opened by grimen - 2
Expected VERSION or VERSION.yml to exist.
#1 opened by grimen