Forms made easy for Rails! It's tied to a simple DSL, with no opinion on markup.
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need to be able to create accessible input error labels
#1850 opened by ajfarkas - 0
- 0
Encrypted attributes always default to textarea
#1829 opened by ldlamarc - 2
Support for weekday_select in Rails 7
#1770 opened by ephracis - 4
Auto reload configuration
#1818 opened by jclusso - 2
https://simple-form-bootstrap.herokuapp.com/ is Down
#1838 opened by ramaboo - 3
The custom `error:` on all inputs does not work if there is an object present
#1832 opened by matt-whiteley - 3
- 4
Inline Errors not showed on working with turbo
#1792 opened by chmich - 1
allow_blank true doesn't work
#1803 opened by charlie-goldenowl - 1
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Install fails when project uses rails/tailwindcss-rails
#1806 opened by dinclas - 1
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Hints don't work on the namespaced model
#1828 opened by jonas-jasas - 1
Multiple inputs with the same name generate unparseable names in Rails >= 7.1.1
#1834 opened by nduitz - 1
simple_form generate two input box.
#1844 opened by acekingke - 1
Redundant aria-required on required fields
#1822 opened by solipet - 1
Proposal for customizable classes merging
#1831 opened by borama - 4
5.3.0 - Custom Inputs Fail to Load
#1824 opened by BeatyThomas - 1
FormBuilder.attempt_mapping is taking > 1 second
#1790 opened by egeek - 1
Adding a data-x attribute to the root <form>?
#1841 opened by dmix - 0
Label's for attribute doesn't match the id when nil is given in collection
#1840 opened by masasakano - 1
<div class="checkbox"> <input value="false" type="hidden" name="meal[completed]"> <input class="boolean optional" type="checkbox" value="true" checked="checked" name="meal[completed]" id="meal_completed"> <label class="boolean optional" for="meal_completed">Completed</label> </div>Update: This bug only appears if you have custom value for `unchecked_value`. In this case `unchecked_value: false`
#1835 opened by Osamaajram77 - 1
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5.2.0 applies `vertical_select` wrapper despite `wrapper: :horizontal_form`
#1807 opened by apsheronets - 1
`config.default_form_class` should not be *overriden* but *complemented* when `html: { :class }` is specified
#1819 opened by jerefrer - 4
Broken Link in Readme File for Bootstrap Live App example
#1815 opened by al3xt96 - 1
Bootstrap floating labels keep floating even without input
#1817 opened by amo13 - 1
@builder.input_field(:license_plate, type: 'radio' .... ) output a textarea tag instead of an inpt
#1814 opened by troptropcontent - 2
Is there any particular reason for the use of `%%` instead of `%` in the ERB template?
#1811 opened by r7kamura - 3
Changelog entry needed for 5.2.0
#1808 opened by mohamedhafez - 1
Problem with Heroku
#1805 opened by Chelsea46 - 3
Simple_form generator for Bootstrap 5 problem
#1787 opened by hoangdd - 1
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Deprecation warning when using country_select
#1781 opened by gravitystorm - 0
Add "for" attribute in label wrapper
#1800 opened by stasou - 0
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Form errors with Rails 7 and Turbo do not work
#1789 opened by key88sf - 3
Simple form should override default form scaffolding
#1786 opened by gardnerapp - 1
Can't remove label with label: false with as: :check_boxes option. Label also causes misalignment
#1783 opened by 1990eam - 3
`:selected` does not work with html5 datetime
#1776 opened by Silex - 2
- 1
Releases missing updated initializers
#1774 opened by twnaing - 1
multiple selects without :association
#1778 opened by netwire88 - 1
- 1
Invalid http address after installation
#1773 opened by GWakabayashi