About Hotel Critic

Hotel Critic is a search engine for hotels. It allows users to search for hotels by typing their preferences in a completely free text way.

There are 2 input fields

  • Search Query - a field to input free text search query

E.g. clean and fast internet with a pool, good service and cheap

  • Location Filter - a field to input location

E.g. Boston, Paris


Our search engine Hotel Critic is hosted live on Azure. Please feel free to visit our website and give it try!

Project Overview

Our project focuses on the hotel business, and aims to utilize and extract the data from hotel reviews to provide relevant free-text search results to the user. We intend to build a search engine that will analyze the customer reviews of hotels from a particular data set, filter the data by metrics such as location, price, cleanliness, service etc., rank the data according to the user's keywords, and output a list of ranked relevant results. We intend to implement a tool that can provide results of accuracy and quality for users.


Currently we are using a TripAdvisor Dataset that was crawled by DAIS Lab from University of Illinois for other research purpose.

Note: The version we used is the JSON version.

How to Run Our Code

Our code is written in Python 3. Please check your python version on your terminal by typing

python3 --version

What to Install

pip install -r requirements.txt

Get Data

python3 Analysis.py

Run the code

After finishing all the previous steps, you should have review_tf.pkl, hotel_list.pkl and hotel_reviews.pkl in your local folder

python3 server.py

Then copy the temporary url to a browser to use it locally


Davis Catherman dscatherman@wpi.edu Shijing Yang syang@wpi.edu Shine Lin Thant slinnthant@wpi.edu