
NVIDIA precompiled kernel module packaging for RHEL

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yum packaging precompiled kmod

License Contributing


Packaging templates for yum and dnf based Linux distros to build NVIDIA driver precompiled kernel modules.

For official packages see this table and developer blog post.

The main branch contains this README and a sample build script. The .spec and genmodules.py files can be found in the appropriate rhel7, rhel8, and fedora branches.

Table of Contents


This repo contains the .spec file used to build the following RPM packages:

note: XXX is the first . delimited field in the driver version, ex: 440 in 440.33.01

  • RHEL8 or Fedora streams: latest and XXX

    > ex: kmod-nvidia-440.33.01-4.18.0-147.5.1-440.33.01-2.el8_1.x86_64.rpm
    > ex: kmod-nvidia-450.51.06-5.6.11-300-450.51.06-4.fc32.x86_64.rpm

    note: requires genmodules.py to generate modules.yaml for modularity streams.

  • RHEL7 flavor: latest

    > ex: kmod-nvidia-latest-3.10.0-1062.18.1.r440.33.01.el7.x86_64.rpm
  • RHEL7 flavor: branch-XXX

    > ex: kmod-nvidia-branch-440-3.10.0-1062.18.1.r440.33.01.el7.x86_64.rpm

These packages can be used in place of their equivalent DKMS packages:

  • RHEL8 or Fedora streams: latest-dkms and XXX-dkms

    > ex: kmod-nvidia-latest-dkms-440.33.01-1.el8.x86_64.rpm
  • RHEL7 flavor: latest-dkms

    > ex: kmod-nvidia-latest-dkms-440.33.01-1.el7.x86_64.rpm

The latest and latest-dkms streams/flavors always update to the highest versioned driver, while the XXX and XXX-dkms streams/flavors lock driver updates to the specified driver branch.

note: XXX-dkms is not available for RHEL7


Clone this git repository:

Supported branches: rhel7, rhel8 & fedora

git clone -b ${branch} https://github.com/NVIDIA/yum-packaging-precompiled-kmod
> ex: git clone -b rhel8 https://github.com/NVIDIA/yum-packaging-precompiled-kmod

Download a NVIDIA driver runfile:

Install build dependencies

note: these are only needed for building not installation

# Compilation
yum install gcc

# Kernel headers and source code
yum install kernel-headers-$(uname -r) kernel-devel-$(uname -r)

# Packaging
yum install rpm-build

# Enable EPEL to install DKMS
yum install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-$(rpm -E %rhel).noarch.rpm
yum install dkms



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Building with script

Fetch script from main branch

cd yum-packaging-precompiled-kmod
git checkout remotes/origin/main -- build.sh


note: distro: fedora32, rhel7, rhel8

./build.sh path/to/*.run ${distro}
> ex: time ./build.sh ~/Downloads/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-440.33.01.run rhel8

Building Manually

Generate tarball from runfile

mkdir nvidia-kmod-440.33.01-x86_64
sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-440.33.01.run --extract-only --target .
mv kernel nvidia-kmod-440.33.01-x86_64/
tar -cJf nvidia-kmod-440.33.01-x86_64.tar.xz nvidia-kmod-440.33.01-x86_64

X.509 Certificate

Generate X.509 public_key.der and private_key.priv files.

Example x509-configuration.ini. Replace $USER and $EMAIL values.

openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -utf8 -sha256 -days 36500 -batch \
  -config x509-configuration.ini \
  -outform DER -out public_key.der \
  -keyout private_key.priv

Compilation and Packaging

note: Fedora users may need to export IGNORE_CC_MISMATCH=1

cp public_key.der SOURCES/
cp private_key.priv SOURCES/
cp nvidia-kmod-440.33.01-x86-64.tar.xz SOURCES/
cp kmod-nvidia.spec SPECS/

rpmbuild \
    --define "%_topdir $(pwd)" \
    --define "debug_package %{nil}" \
    --define "kernel $kernel" \
    --define "kernel_release $release" \
    --define "kernel_dist $dist" \
    --define "driver $version" \
    --define "epoch 3" \
    --define "driver_branch $stream" \
    -v -bb SPECS/kmod-nvidia.spec

# Kernel: 4.18.0-147.5.1
# Driver: 440.33.01
# Stream: latest
> ex: rpmbuild \
    --define "%_topdir $(pwd)" \
    --define "debug_package %{nil}" \
    --define "kernel 4.18.0" \
    --define "kernel_release 147.5.1" \
    --define "kernel_dist .el8_1" \
    --define "driver 440.33.01" \
    --define "epoch 3" \
    --define "driver_branch latest" \
    -v -bb SPECS/kmod-nvidia.spec

Sign RPM package(s) with GPG signing key

If one does not already exist, generate a GPG key pair

gpg --generate-key

Set $gpgKey to secret key ID.

gpgArgs="/usr/bin/gpg --force-v3-sigs --digest-algo=sha512 --no-verbose --no-armor --no-secmem-warning"
for package in RPMS/*/kmod-nvidia*.rpm; do
  rpm \
    --define "%_signature gpg" \
    --define "%_gpg_name $gpgKey" \
    --define "%__gpg /usr/bin/gpg" \
    --define "%_gpg_digest_algo sha512" \
    --define "%_binary_filedigest_algorithm 10" \
    --define "%__gpg_sign_cmd %{__gpg} $gpgArgs -u %{_gpg_name} \
      -sbo %{__signature_filename} %{__plaintext_filename}" \
    --addsign "$package";

RPM Repository

Other NVIDIA driver packages

RHEL8 or Fedora

Copy relevant packages from the CUDA repository

* dnf-plugin-nvidia*.rpm
* cuda-drivers-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-driver-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-driver-cuda-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-driver-cuda-libs-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-driver-devel-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-driver-libs-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-driver-NvFBCOpenGL-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-driver-NVML-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-kmod-common-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-libXNVCtrl-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-libXNVCtrl-devel-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-modprobe-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-persistenced-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-settings-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-xconfig-${version}*.rpm


Copy relevant packages from the CUDA repository

* yum-plugin-nvidia*.rpm
* cuda-drivers-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-driver-${flavor}-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-driver-${flavor}-NVML-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-driver-${flavor}-NvFBCOpenGL-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-driver-${flavor}-cuda-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-driver-${flavor}-cuda-libs-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-driver-${flavor}-devel-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-driver-${flavor}-libs-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-libXNVCtrl-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-libXNVCtrl-devel-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-modprobe-${flavor}-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-persistenced-${flavor}-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-settings-${version}*.rpm
* nvidia-xconfig-${flavor}-${version}*.rpm

Generate metadata

mkdir my-first-repo
# Precompiled kmod package(s)
cp RPMS/*/kmod-nvidia*.rpm my-first-repo/
# Other NVIDIA driver packages
cp ~/Downloads/*.rpm my-first-repo/

RHEL8 or Fedora

createrepo_c -v --database my-first-repo/
python3 ./genmodules.py my-first-repo/ modules.yaml
modifyrepo_c modules.yaml my-first-repo/repodata


createrepo -v --database my-first-repo

Enable local repo

Create custom.repo file


Copy to system path for yum/dnf package manager

sudo cp custom.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/

Clean yum/dnf cache

yum clean all

Installing packages

note: XXX is the first . delimited field in the driver version, ex: 440 in 440.33.01

  • RHEL8 or Fedora streams: latest, XXX, latest-dkms, XXX-dkms
    dnf module install nvidia-driver:${stream}
    > ex: dnf module install nvidia-driver:latest
    To switch streams, first uninstall and clear the current stream
    dnf remove nvidia-driver
    dnf module reset nvidia-driver
  • RHEL7 flavors: latest, branch-XXX, latest-dkms
    yum install nvidia-driver-${flavor}
    > ex: yum install nvidia-driver-latest
    Then to install nvidia-settings
    yum install cuda-drivers

Modularity Profiles

  • RHEL8 or Fedora profiles: default, ks, fm, src

    dnf module install nvidia-driver:${stream}/${profile}
    > ex: dnf module install nvidia-driver:450/fm

    The default profile (default) installs all of the driver packages for specified stream using transitive closure

    dnf module install nvidia-driver:${stream}/default

    note: do not need to specify default profile

    The kickstart profile (ks) is used for unattended Anaconda installs of CentOS, Fedora, & RHEL Linux OSes via a configuration file. This profile does not install the cuda-drivers metapackage, which otherwise would attempt to uninstall any existing NVIDIA driver runfiles via a %pretrans hook

    @^Minimal Install

    note: any package warning is fatal to a kickstart installation

    The NvSwitch profile (fm) installs all of the driver packages, as well as Fabric Manager and NCSQ

    dnf module install nvidia-driver:${stream}/fm

    note: this is intended for hardware containing NvSwitch such as DGX systems

    The Source profile (src) installs only the contents of /usr/src/nvidia-${version} which provides nv-p2p.h and other header files used for compiling NVIDIA kernel modules such as GDRCopy and nvidia-fs

    note: this profile is only compatible with precompiled streams (latest, XXX); DKMS streams use kmod-nvidia-latest-dkms

    dnf module install nvidia-driver:${stream}/src

    note: this profile should be combined with another profile, i.e default, ks, or fm

    dnf module install nvidia-driver:${stream}/{default,src}


GPU Technology Conference

Red Hat Summit


NVIDIA plugin
