
Create QR code with logo or a change of color.

Fancy QR

Create QR code with logo or a change of color. The data capacity is up to ~1200 bytes. Here is the example of your output:

alt text alt text


npm install fancyqr

Then, read how to install native dependency here.


var fancyQR = require('fancyqr');
fancyQR.save(__dirname + '/out.png', 'hello world!', {
	r: 237,
	g: 127,
	b: 38,
	logoPath: __dirname + '/logo.png'
}, function(err) {
	//do something here


//save the image output as png

//output as data url

//output as internal canvas object for further modification (see API from node-canvas)

Options can have the following fields:

  • r: red color of the qr output (logo unaffected) [0-255]
  • g: green color [0-255]
  • b: blue color [0-255]
  • logoPath: path of the logo, recommended 30 x 30 or smaller