
A Generic Makefile Template for C/C++ Programs

Primary LanguageMakefile


A Generic Makefile Template for C/C++ Projects



  • Automatically traverses and lists all (code files in) sub-directories, or you manually add;
  • Automatically generates and processes dependencies;
  • Can hanlde cross-compiling or cross-platform projects (e.g. Linux, MacOS, Windows);
  • Can work with C projects, C++ projects, or mixed;
  • With examples in-file, and flags for high performance with small size of binary;
  • Not only for executable binaries, but also for static & dynamic libraries [to-do].


  1. Copy the Makefile file to your program source code directory.
  2. Customize in the "Customizable Section" only if necessary:
    • to use non-standard C/C++ libraries, set pre-processor or compiler options to <EXTRA_CFLAGS> and linker ones to <EXTRA_LIBS>
    • to search sources in more directories, set to <SRCDIRS>
    • to specify your favorite program name, set to <PROGRAM>
  3. Type make to start building your program.

Make Target:

The Makefile provides the following targets to make:

   make            # compile and link
   make NODEP=yes  # compile and link without generating dependencies
   make objs       # compile only (no linking)
   make tags       # create tags for Emacs editor
   make ctags      # create ctags for VI editor
   make clean      # clean objects and the executable file
   make distclean  # clean objects, the executable and dependencies
   make help       # get the usage of the makefile


Reference & Thanks to