Support cross version and http basic auth.
Cross version migration supported
Overwrite index name
Copy index settings and mapping
Support http basic auth
Support dump into local file
Support loading from local file
Support http proxy
Support sliced scroll (only for elasticsearch 5.0)
copy index index_name
from 192.168.1.x
to 192.168.1.y:9200
./bin/esm -s http://192.168.1.x:9200 -d http://192.168.1.y:9200 -x index_name -w=5 -b=10 -c 10000
copy index src_index
from 192.168.1.x
to 192.168.1.y:9200
and save with dest_index
./bin/esm -s http://localhost:9200 -d http://localhost:9200 -x src_index -y dest_index -w=5 -b=100
support Basic-Auth
./bin/esm -s http://localhost:9200 -x "src_index" -y "dest_index" -d http://localhost:9201 -n admin:111111
copy settings and override shard size
./bin/esm -s http://localhost:9200 -x "src_index" -y "dest_index" -d http://localhost:9201 -m admin:111111 -c 10000 --shards=50 --copy_settings
copy settings and mapping, recreate target index, add query to source fetch, refresh after migration
./bin/esm -s http://localhost:9200 -x "src_index" -q=query:phone -y "dest_index" -d http://localhost:9201 -c 10000 --shards=5 --copy_settings --copy_mappings --force --refresh
dump elasticsearch documents into local file
./bin/esm -s http://localhost:9200 -x "src_index" -m admin:111111 -c 5000 -b -q=query:mixer --refresh -o=dump.bin
loading data from dump files, bulk insert to another es instance
./bin/esm -d http://localhost:9200 -y "dest_index" -n admin:111111 -c 5000 -b 5 --refresh -i=dump.bin
support proxy
./bin/esm -d -y "dest_index" -n admin:111111 -c 5000 -b 1 --refresh -i dump.bin --dest_proxy=
use sliced scroll(only available in elasticsearch v5) to speed scroll, and update shard number
./bin/esm -s= -d=http://localhost:9200 -n=elastic:changeme -f --copy_settings --copy_mappings -x=bestbuykaggle --sliced_scroll_size=5 --shards=50 --refresh
if download version is not fill you environment,you may try to compile it yourself. go
make build
-s, --source= source elasticsearch instance
-d, --dest= destination elasticsearch instance
-q, --query= query against source elasticsearch instance, filter data before migrate, ie: name:medcl
-m, --source_auth basic auth of source elasticsearch instance, ie: user:pass
-n, --dest_auth basic auth of target elasticsearch instance, ie: user:pass
-c, --count= number of documents at a time: ie "size" in the scroll request (10000)
--sliced_scroll_size= size of sliced scroll, to make it work, the size should be > 1, default:"1"
-t, --time= scroll time (1m)
--shards= set a number of shards on newly created indexes
--copy_settings copy index settings from source
--copy_mappings copy mappings mappings from source
-f, --force delete destination index before copying, default:false
-x, --src_indexes= list of indexes to copy, comma separated (_all), support wildcard match(*)
-y, --dest_index= indexes name to save, allow only one indexname, original indexname will be used if not specified
-a, --all copy indexes starting with . and _ (false)
-w, --workers= concurrency number for bulk workers, default is: "1"
-b --bulk_size bulk size in MB" default:5
-v --log setting log level,options:trace,debug,info,warn,error
-i --input_file indexing from local dump file, file format: {"_id":"xxx","_index":"xxx","_source":{"xxx":"xxx"},"_type":"xxx" }
-o --output_file output documents of source index into local file, file format same as input_file.
--source_proxy set proxy to source http connections, ie:
--dest_proxy set proxy to destination http connections, ie:
--refresh refresh after migration finished
From | To |
1.x | 1.x |
1.x | 2.x |
1.x | 5.0 |
2.x | 1.x |
2.x | 2.x |
2.x | 5.0 |
5.0 | 1.x |
5.0 | 2.x |
5.0 | 5.0 |